Kryon Healing Wednesday INDEX 2023
(Previous Index 2022)
Lee discusses the meaning of the following quotes from Kryon:
“Blessed is the Human Begin who understands the power they really have over everyday life and occurrences.”
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Patrick from Geneva, Switzerland:
Many people are feeling that ascension is near. Can you tell me more? I feel the door to the new dimension is near me but I can’t see it, I feel it only.
The Year of 2023 – Part 1
Kryon gives a series of four channels that all revolve around the energies of the year 2023. The previous year of 2022 had the master number of 22 and in Tibetan numerology represents Cosmic Law and Duality. It was the year of Revelation. The revelation was ugly, and included a war. However, the year of 2023 is the Year of Recovery. You recover to a normal that you create. Perhaps it’s a new normal. It means you come out of something and recover to a new way. How can we be in recovery when there is still a war? This is the year you recover from things that are going to happen. Perhaps a complete turn-around will happen and you recover from these things. Think of this Earth taking a deep breath and recovering from the thousands of years of low consciousness.
Kryon takes you to an ocean and there are two ships about to be launched for the new year. Thousands of chairs are there for you to watch this launch. This energy that you sit in is perfect and is a time where anything can take place. Healing of the Soul, body, and attitudes. The ships that are about to be launched don’t have anyone on them yet. They are both identical and are both named the 2023 ships. The launch of two ships simultaneously is a metaphor. The water they are about to be launched into glows in a shimmering gold color. The ships are both released and splash into the golden water. One ship represents humanity as it always has been. It’s a continuation of the energy that has been with you for eons. The other ship represents a new kind of humanity and an energy that isn’t here yet. The gold ocean embraces and caresses the ship that represents new humanity. But the other ship representing a continuation of the old energy that has always been here slips into the water and sinks with the golden ocean covering it. The ways of the old cannot exist in the new ocean of light. The new ship of humanity is buoyed up by light. This is the launch of 2023.
Andi and Johnathon Goldman
Sound Healers, and Authors
From Humming to Harmonics: Sound for personal and planetary healing.
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Romina from Argentina:
How can I remember and be sure of my divine plan, my divine mission on Earth in this incarnation?
Ania from South Africa:
As I get older, I often struggle with concentration and keeping my mind focused. When it happens while I am sitting in the chair during the Circle of Twelve, does it mean I am not there anymore?
Mirsafa from Ohio, USA:
I see a lot of numbers such as, 1111, 222, 333, 444, and 555. What is purpose of these numbers? What do I need to do for my next step?
The Year of 2023 – Part 2
Reframing Resolutions
Kryon gives a series of four channels that all revolve around the energies of the year 2023. Can you approach this coming year with the attitude of benevolence? What if you wrote all the things that hold you back on a piece of paper? Wrap these pieces of paper into a nice package, as though it’s a gift. Make another list and instead of writing what hasn’t worked for write what you would like. For example, I want to discover things that will increase my self-worth. I want to feel better. I want to wake with a smile. This is what I see for myself. I want to come closer to the Creator. I want to know more about love. Take the list of things that hold you back and destroy it. The best thing is to put it in a fire and watch it burn. You are saying it is done and finished and that they belong to the fire. The other list, of what you want, is to go into your pocket. You might refer to it on a regular basis to remind yourself of what might happen and what is possible. Focus on the list in your pocket. Nothing is more personal than this for you. All these things are possible.
Kryon takes you into a theater in the round. There is a chair that is on the lip of the stage facing a small audience. In front of you pieces and parts of you become manifested. The first thing you recognize is your duality. There is an aisle that separates the various pieces and parts of you, and you will be the one to separate them. You can see your emotions, your memories, things you’d rather not see, things that make you peaceful, your relationship issues. Kryon says you examine all of them and you ask the pieces and parts you no longer want they are asked to stand and go and sit on the right as you are not going to carry them into the new year. Recurring pains and illnesses are asked to stand and go to the other side of the aisle. All the things on the right will be denied to go with you into the year 2023. The other pieces such as compassion, kindness, peace are all the ones you bring with you. They pieces you no longer want disappear. The pieces you want stand and come back and be a part of you. Enjoy the New Human.
Lilly Wong
Cosmic Doula, Pioneer, and Shaman
The Pleiadian light language behind the Lemurian Teaching Wheel.
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Edna from Lake Geneva, France:
I have a question about the Circle of Twelve meditation. Kryon tells us to “stay” at the end. While Kryon is guiding us I feel things going on and often tears well up. When we are asked to give permission I always give permission with full commitment and I really feel I am participating. But at the end when Kryon says, “Stay, stay, stay,” I sometimes feel and see profound things happen, but other times nothing else happens, as if everything that should be done is done. Can this be so or am I just trying to comfort myself, in which case should I do the meditation again?
Kim from Florida, USA:
When giving advice to someone who wants to join the Healing Wednesday, should they start listening at the current episode for the Circle of Twelve mediation or should they start at the beginning?
Daniel from Wisconsin, USA:
Given the quantum nature of the Kryon channels, after listening to the channel the first time, what is the effect if a person were to replay the channels and have it like a kind of background music while engaged in other activities?
The Year of 2023 – Part 3
The Future is Not What You Think
Kryon gives a series of four channels that all revolve around the energies of the year 2023. This particular channel will deal with the future. In general, you hope a new year is better, but often in history it got worse. Things never changed. This is because time repeats itself. War has repeated over and over because in an old energy the dysfunction of war is not seen. However, you are now in a Shift of consciousness. In 2023 the train of humanity is on a completely new track that does not have any history. Right now, there is a war with suffering, death, and sorrow. This energy of this war will not last on this new track. Get ready for startling changes, that are not what you think. This is the greatest opportunity humanity has. More than other year, since 2012, the year of 2023 is filled with promise. There will be benchmarks of change, filled with surprises in both directions. Things are changing. The old energy of the old track is gone. It’s in the hands of the Old Souls and Lightworkers to see it and acknowledge it. They are the ones to participate in kindness. The future is not what you think. You are in control.
Kryon takes you onto a stage, in a theater in the round. The audience is going to enhance whatever it is you want. The audience is filled with powerful meditators. They are a group of individuals, from throughout history, and when they get together something happens. They understand coherence. You are going to say an affirmation of what you expect for yourself for next year. Who are you, in a year? If you had health challenges, then make statements where next year there will not be any health challenges. For example, “Next year I will be healthier than ever before.” Make all affirmations positive, reflecting who you are, what you are going to do better, what you are going to accomplish, and who you will be. As you say your affirmations, silently or aloud, all those in the audience raise their hands and they are supporting you to help push these affirmations forward.
Dr. Jason Loken and Téa Shahbazi
Podcast Hosts and Joy Igniters
Inspiring your health.
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Heather from New Mexico, USA:
Kryon has talked about releasing fears and blocks that no longer serve us. There is one that I can’t seem to remove. It feels like it is blocking manifestation of abundance and keeping me from living my best life. The block is, “Be careful what you wish for.” So I am asking for any advice that you may have to remove or work around it.
Lisa from Missouri, USA:
When Kryon refers to the listeners as Old Soul or Lightworker I often find myself wondering if these titles are for just a few people, like me, who tune in to messages like these. Or is every person on the planet also considered an Old Soul or Lightworker and they just don’t know it yet? If everyone is an Old Soul, then will everyone eventually wake up and realize it? My family is amazing, but I’m waiting for them to stop looking at me so strangely. LOL
Allegra from Italy:
When we stand in the Circle of Twelve, and receive healing from the healing Masters, can we ask for healing for someone else instead? Does it work in the same way? Every week I have only been asking healing for my child, instead that for myself as I was standing in the amphitheater, as that is my highest wish that a miracle would heal my child's autoimmune disease.
The Year of 2023 – Part 4
Creating a New Future
Kryon gives a series of four channels that all revolve around the energies of the year 2023. There is a new energy on the planet and this new energy has changed the system of how wisdom is transferred and how love is seen. What if you were to make a statement of, “What can I do to enhance the rest of humanity in this new energy?” You have the power to send forward concepts that you already have as a Human. You can project things into the future, such as tolerance and wisdom. Just a little more would help everyone. What are other concepts that would change the planet if more people had them? Attributes of a higher consciousness are compassion, kindness, and the unconditional love of the Creator. Your actions can make a better year for others.
Kryon takes you into a room of ceremony. This is your own ceremonial room where things are changed within you. You have always had 24 pairs of chromosome. The 24th pair is multidimensional. It is Pleiadian and was previously activated. There are stages of reactivation for the new energies coming. Kryon asks you to stand and in front of you are seven robed figures. Each one will touch you to activate your 24th chromosome pair for the energies coming in the year 2023. Do you give permission for this activation? One-by-one you are touched on the arm, shoulders, head, and heart by the seven and they continue touching you and activating the 24th chromosome pair. You are here for the New Earth and to increase kindness, compassion, and love.
Tamara Caulder Richardson
International Evidential Medium
Seeking heaven.
Lee discusses the meaning of the following quote from Kryon:
“Physics operates in pairs. All energy of physics operates in pairs.”
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Donna from California:
During a recent meditation, I discovered a dragon entity, Ra. This energy awakened a power source within me that helped me accelerate the expansion of my consciousness. Can you tell me more about dragon beings?
The Energy of Hope – Part 1
Kryon gives a series of four channels on the Energy of Hope. Each channel will give attributes of hope. Hope is something that will change everything within a Human Being, especially in a Human Being that has none. The attributes of Hope are listed as the following. Attribute 1. Hope is not faith. One of the things that hope gives you is an energy that can be projected into the future. This is the second attribute. Attribute 2. Hope is the energy of positive expectation. Hope is an active energy of benevolence. Attribute 3. Hope is designed energetic consciousness. You think about what it is you want to hope for, which is you designing energy and then that is put out in your consciousness. You push it in front of you. Attribute 4. Hope is designed benevolent outcome. Do not make up your mind about how solutions or the miracles you need are going to be accomplished. Attribute 5. Hope is healing energy that changes the future. When you hear something is hopeless you go into despair or depression. But, when someone tells you there is hope the despair and depression drains away. Attribute 6. Hope destroys despair and depression. Hope is an actionable item. It’s not faith. It’s something you design and put together for yourself.
Kryon takes you across the bridge and through the door you come to a train station. In the station are many engines, but there is only one track. The track is your future, and the future of the planets as well. This particular experience is going to focus on your own personal track that you carry into the future. Today this train is a steam engine and in front of it is a rainbow colored multidimensional canvas bag filled with joy that will coat the track ahead of the train. The train is called Hope. What do you want to put in the bag that will coat the track in front of the train? Kryon suggests to put solution, health, peace, kindness, and recovery. Let’s put all the things you need to give you peace as you move forward in your life. The next three weeks will launch the train called Hope but each week different things will be placed into the bags in front of the train. We are pushing in front of you all your hopeful wishes. We are manifesting and designing what you want for your life. As your train moves forward the track starts to glow with what you are putting on it.
John White
Spooky2 Founder
Topic: Frequency healing to ascend your health.
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Peg from Toronto, Canada:
Singing is so powerful. I’m wondering if it’s more than just notes. Perhaps notes resonate with a bandwidth and harmonics up and down?
The Energy of Hope – Part 2
Kryon gives a series of four channels on the Energy of Hope. Kryon repeats the same Attributes of Hope given in the previous channel. Hope is not faith. Faith is trusting in the unseen, whereas Hope it’s an actionable item. Hope is a designed energy around something specific. Hope becomes something substantial and you can put it in front of yourself. Your thoughts about your life is like placing an order for a menu. Hope is your health. Hope is your future. Hope destroys depression, despair, and fear. Hope will create synchronicity that will manifest the hope (expected benevolence) that you have created. What can you do with Hope? Kryon asks everyone to put together the energy of expectation of benevolence and create Hope for the planet. Let this channel be Hope for humanity. What if the war on the planet right now is the last one to ever happen on Earth? Put that wonderful energy of Hope and push it forward so you can see solutions for the planet. Humanity will think differently where war will never be a solution for any problem. Hope is an actionable item that you control and it changes you, and all those around you.
Kryon takes you across the bridge and into a large area. You have entered a train station with lots of hustle and bustle. There is only one track but many engines. That’s why it’s so busy. But you are preparing one engine, called Hope. It’s going to leave the station and in front of the train is a vessel that leaks beautiful things onto the track as you go forward. What is it today that it will carry forward into your future? Last week it spread a rainbow color on the track of health, beauty, and the most benevolent outcome. This week the track is going to be filled with light for humanity and the end of war. This is the train of Hope that sends into the future a planet without war. You will be in the safety of peaceful planet. War will no longer exist and new inventions are bringing solutions to so many things.
Daniel Scranton
Verbal Channel, Spiritual Teacher, Sound Healer
A multi-pronged approach to healing.
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Erika from Germany:
A long time ago Kryon said, God has no feelings. But if God is pure love, then, what is love? For me, love is the strongest feeling of all. What does Kryon say about this?
Donna from Winnipeg, Canada:
Could Kryon please explain Cosmic Law?
The Energy of Hope – Part 3
Kryon gives a series of four channels on the Energy of Hope. Hope is probably one of the most powerful energies a Human can have. There are several attributes of Hope. Hope is not faith. Hope is active while faith is passive. Hope is the energy of positive expectations. Hope is something you send forward for yourself. Hope may keep you alive and save your life. Hope is a designer energy. Hope is where you can design benevolent outcomes and you send it forward in your life. Hope is health. Hope is something that destroys despair and depression. Kryon asks us to concentrate on one Hope for the planet. Hope is the energy of positive expectation and sending it out. Since 2012 things are different. Visualize a Hope package where you are sending forward Light for the Planet. You’re going to start seeing more Humans attracted to kindness, compassion, and truth, as the way of things. There is a move from greed and corruption towards kindness and compassion. Can you send Light for the planet? That is the Hope for the planet.
Kryon takes you to an enormous train station. It’s a metaphor of you moving on a track into your future. Imagine many trains going on to one track that goes into the future. There is a giant engine and on the front of the train is a giant package that continually puts things onto the track ahead of the train. This time the things you place in front of the train are for the planet. Why not send a package of light? This time the package releases a rainbow of colors that coats the track. Your train of Hope goes onto the track and spreads light. That track is coated with light for the planet and for you.
Corey Poirier
Speaker, Author, and Founder of bLU Talks
The power of leverage and synchronicity for business.
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Sandra from Branson, Missouri, USA:
What does it mean when Kryon talks about masters and saints? Aren’t those Human words? As there is no hierarchy on the other side of the veil, could you please explain?
Lyndall from Queensland, Australia:
As a baby boomer born in the late fifties, I have lived through long yearnings for world peace and one love. Is our humanity and Gaia going to see our political leaders and humanity as a whole truly progress with practical and expected actions and changes over the next decade or so? Are we tipping the balance now, in this present time for a sensible one love! Are our children feeling the light of love expand and how can we help?
The Energy of Hope – Part 4
Kryon gives a series of four channels on the Energy of Hope. Hope is not faith. Hope is an active energy not a passive one, like faith. Hope is a transformative. Hope is the development of an energetic consciousness. Hope heals. Hope is the future. Hope is sometimes seen as the magic bullet that changes lives from despair and depression to joy and hopefulness. Lightworkers together can create a coherence of Hope that can change the planet. You can send Hope to humanity. This Earth is called Gaia and it is time to send Hope to the planet. Sending Hope to the planet so that Gaia knows inventions are coming to reduce the effect you have on the planet. You might say it is time to hug a tree. Gaia is your partner. That is the Hope for this week. To send love into Gaia.
Kryon takes you into a very large train station. There are multiple trains, but only one track. Your energy of Hope is on each train. Each train carries a different package in front that releases its contents onto the track. It’s a metaphor of the energy you send in front of you for your future. What you do today affects your future incarnations as well. You can send benevolence, kindness, and compassion for yourself and the planet. This time it is about your relationship with Gaia. You are going to prepare this Hope train with everything that says, “I love you, Gaia.” You send out the healing for Gaia. The creation of inventions so you don’t need Gaia’s resources for electricity, and you can stop pollution on the planet. You are creating coherence on the track between humanity and Gaia.
Brothers Guy and Ilan Ferdman
Personal Development Coaches and Founders of Satori Prime
The difference between cerebral learning and experiential learning.
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Robert from Alberta, Canada:
What does Kryon have to say about Artificial Intelligence? Elon Musk has raised concerns over this recently
The Power of Life and Light Energy
– Part 1
Kryon gives a series of four channels about The Power of Life and Light Energy. These are two new things. What is new is their influence on everything. All of humanity is receiving this. It is one of the things that is here because of the Shift. The Human Being is being enhanced. Is it possible there is a connection with the Divine on this planet that you haven’t recognized before? Psychologists and sociologists will have to rewrite Human nature. Humans will go right for kindness. The emphasis is the effect of this on you. Stand tall and know you are of great worth on this planet. That’s the power of life. You mean something – an esoteric imprint, if you wish. You can plan your future and control things in front of you and put things in your future. That is a multidimensional concept of no time.
Kryon takes you into a train station and there is a steam engine that represents you. This train also has a passenger car. Who is going to be in the passenger car? Kryon asks you to invite the highest consciousness masters that have ever lived on the planet into your train. Every single one gets into the passenger car of your train. You are going to send them and you into your future. You are going to rest and relax with whatever comes into your future. Kryon would love you to congratulate yourself that your future will now be different because you will meet yourself along with the masters. You might say, I am filled with magnificence. There is a benevolent future for you.
Jillian Fleer and Dr. Eric Pearl
Healers, Authors, and Teaching Partners of The Reconnection
The direct path to healing.
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Ana from Sydney, Australia:
I would love to understand better the differences between Spirit, Higher-Self and the Soul.
Sunna from Reykjavik, Iceland:
Dear Kryon, as a person who has been working with DNA I am curious of the reason that the 24th chromosome pair is invisible. Is it not made of DNA? Or is it read with different rules? Or is there some other reason that it is not detected with our methods?
The Power of Life and Light Energy
– Part 2
Kryon gives a series of four channels about The Power of Life and Light Energy. There is a new energy on this planet and it has to do with the power of life. It’s an awareness factor of waking up to the bigger you. It is the power of the Higher-Self. You’re impact on others is the subject of this particular channel. How do you see others? This is where your new light and power of life comes in. It retrains your reaction and how you see others. Do you see others as a problem or trouble? Or can you reframe so that no matter who is in front of you, you see their Soul first? Can you love them just by looking at them? That is the lesson today. It’s a program you are rewriting in yourself. You are seeing others in other cultures far differently than your parents did. Kryon refers to the attributes of mastery. Mastery does not react, it observes and uses compassionate action. What if the first thing that happens when you see someone is that you love them and send them light?
Kryon takes you into a multidimensional train station. There is a steam engine with a passenger car. This week is about your impact of your Power of Life and your Light Energy on others. This train represents you and you are moving into the future. You are preparing the place you will be in your upcoming future. Those in the passenger car in this particular Circle of Twelve is your immediate family. Some of you have a beautiful relationship with your family, but many do not. It’s part of an Old Soul attribute. Those that get on the passenger car are there in the form of their Soul, not their physical body. This is so you can awaken to a higher purpose of having them in your life. That was part of the plan. You and all the souls of our immediate family are on the train that pulls away and goes forward onto the track. It is so you can now love them all in a way you have not loved them before.
Milagros Phillips
The Race Healer
How do we heal from racial conditioning?
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Deborah from Queensland, Australia:
Is it okay to put someone’s name down for healing in Miracle Moments without asking for their permission?
Eileen from Illinois, USA:
Are there Souls who need help crossing over? I have been told by different people that these Souls are attracted to me. How do I work with these Souls or are they my Souls?
The Power of Life and Light Energy
– Part 3
Kryon gives a series of four channels about The Power of Life and Light Energy. Things are different on the planet and you being here carries an amazing influence on everything. This channel is about your relationship with Gaia. You’ve had part of your DNA awaken, the 24th chromosome pair. There are so many who need your light. You can send your light to others. They are able to receive what you send better than ever before. What if this enhancement of your life force and light enhances the partnership with Gaia? Has anyone thought to ask the ancestors about the Earth and the weather cycles? This power of life and light energy you carry has never been seen to this extent. It comes from enhancements from the planet and your biology. Perhaps it’s time to renew your relationship with the planet itself – Gaia energy, and the energy of the ancestors within Gaia.
Kryon takes you into a train station where there is a multidimensional train that represents you. The theme for this week is Gaia. This train has a passenger car. You are going to take your life force – your power of life and imbue it into the train. You are sending your energy into the future that precedes you. Kryon asks you to invite passengers onto the train. They are all the ancient masters of the indigenous. They are the ones who knew how to do things with their alliance and partnership with Gaia. They knew about the weather, about herbs, about many things directly related with the planet. You have pasted on yourself the partnership with Gaia. You are sending new light power that has never been on planet yet.
Davy Diekstra
NDE’s, Lightwork, and the Circle of Twelve experience.
Lee and Monika present an excerpt from Lesson 19 of the Lemurian Teaching Wheel. This lesson is about the concept of Reincarnation.
The Power of Life and Light Energy
– Part 4
Kryon gives a series of four channels about The Power of Life and Light Energy. You have a greater esoteric and spiritual impact than ever before. When you light a match in a dark room it illuminates the room. Only a few have to light a match for everyone in the room to see. This is the metaphor. What if, this new power of life and this new enhanced energy of light, changed your abilities to heal yourself? This particular Life Force lends itself specifically to self-healing. Your consciousness has divinity. It comes right from your Soul. Your consciousness is seen as the boss by your chemistry and by your cells. You control the reality of your health every single day. You can tell your cells what you want every day. It will extend your life. It will create wonderful recovery. It allows you to turn things around. Great healing is yours right now. You have a new Life Force that is enhanced. Your prayers for others do more than ever before. You can enhance everything with your compassionate action.
Kryon takes you into a large train station where there are passengers sitting waiting to go on the train. In the chairs are the same gender as you. You stand on a stage and each person stands, introduces themselves and asks a question. The first stands and says, “I’m your kidney. Tell me what you want me to do.” The next one stands and says, “I’m your heart, tell me what you want me to do.” Everyone in the chair is part of you, they are your organs, listening for your instructions. They are all at your service. You are going to address them verbally with what you want them to do. They will get onto the train imbued with your instructions.
Lisa Warner
Difference Maker, Teacher of Self-Healing
Cancer – breaking the spell.
5th Wednesday Favorite
This was a replay from a previous Healing Wednesday.
Original program was on August 22, 2022
Emily Harrison
Founder/Director of The Akashic Academy
Learning to read the Akashic Records.
Lee and Monika begin with an affirmation for the month.
Dear Creator, thank you, for loving me. I give thanks that I am right here, right now, where I can do anything. All things are possible. I am bathed in a purity of love and this love radiates a brilliant and luminous light which permeates every cell of my body. I expect benevolence in my life. Thank you, for the multitude of blessings that continuously come my way.
New Tools of the Shift–
Part 1 Dropping Your Karma
Kryon gives a series of channels about the New Tools for the Shift. The new energy on the planet comes with new evolutionary tools. There are twelve main tools that are new, and Kryon will explain eight of them. Some tools have to be recognized first in order to understand the next ones. The Circle of Twelve will be about taking and integrating these tools. The first tool that is new is extremely controversial, and is part of your belief system. As you evolve in consciousness certain processes can go away. One of them is karma. Karma is an energy within you based upon your past and those of your ancestors, that pushes you to do things. Karma also represents unfinished business. Karma was needed in an old energy for things to happen to you that you needed. Suddenly, an evolved consciousness releases anything that might push or pull you (your karma) and puts you in charge. You don’t need karma anymore. It is time to drop your karma. The new tool is that you actively drop your karma. Sometimes awakening to the energy of your Soul automatically drops your karma. Kryon gives an affirmation to drop karma
New Tools for the Shift – Dropping Your Karma
Kryon takes you into a big multidimensional room. In the room is one who shines with gold, ready to give you your first gift. Gold is a metaphor for your own personal angelic self. It is your Higher Self and goes with you everywhere. This beautiful angelic part of you stands there among many gifts. Today you are going to see a shelf with twelve packages and eight of them are glowing. You will receive those eight packages in the coming meditations. This first package will be the ability for you to drop your karma completely because of your intent to do so. It is a gift and a tool and it changes everything about you. You are free of any energies that would push or pull you around, including from your past lives, ancestral energies, or freedom from things you think are supposed to do.
Peggy Phoenix Dubro
Originator of the EMF Balancing Technique
The Universal Calibration Lattice, Your Toriod of Evolutionary Consciousness
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Mike from Wisconsin, USA:
I teach Sunday school at a Lutheran church. The church understanding of Soul is different than what Kryon teaches. How can I teach what I believe and still honor the church?
Bonnie from Texas, USA:
Does Spirit or Gaia care if our physical bodies are buried in the Earth, donated to science or cremated?
Valerie from Virginia, USA:
Kryon mentioned, a number of times during the Circle of Twelve meditation, that our name is above the door, but that we are not yet able to read it or understand it. How can we learn our Soul name?
New Tools of the Shift –
Part 2 Voiding Resistance to Change
Kryon gives a series of channels about the New Tools for the Shift. The first tool was Dropping Your Karma. This next tool is one that the Old Soul needs right now. It’s the voiding or elimination of resistance to change. Most people find comfort in sameness. You don’t want to have something taken away or you don’t want to start over. What if change meant moving out of 3D into a multidimensional state where all things are possible? It takes your goal and enhances it. Change often equals issues of problem, stress, and all these things you equate to change. What if it were different? Imagine if you are living in a place where you have your furniture right where you want it. Suddenly, the furniture comes alive and it rearranges itself. You come home and see it’s moved and you tell the furniture it’s stressful. The furniture apologizes and puts itself back. There are two reactions. 1. You are worried that every time you leave the furniture has rearranged itself and then you have to put it back. 2. You expect the furniture to rearrange but you are okay with it since you can interact with the furniture and they will put themselves back after. One has accepted the new paradigm and the other hasn’t. What is your quotient of resistance to change? You’ve been taught God is the same but has anyone said the relationship you have to God could change greatly? Has anyone said that the veil could be lifted so your mastery can begin and the result is massive change? This is the tool.
New Tools for the Shift – Voiding Resistance to Change
Kryon takes us into a multidimensional place where gifts and tools are displayed for us to see. Every package belongs to you. Some packages are small and some are large. Your golden Higher Self is there and speaks in a golden voice and says, “This is your second tool in this series.” You are given a package that immediately dissolves inside of you. The tool is the voiding of resistance to change. You can see things coming and accept them without fear. Change is almost always seen as negative but not this time. Dear Human Being you are a miracle and the future you have must have these changes that makes things greater and more benevolent for you. Change from now on does not mean negative things. It could be beautiful and really good things. This tool is needed for all the rest of them to come. Change is good.
Prageet Harris and Julieanne Conard
Channels for Alcazar and stewards of the Stargate
Becoming Superconscious and The Stargate Experience
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Lisa from Connecticut, USA:
Many of us have been taught that we come on to the planet as part of a Soul group. Can you talk more about Soul groups and how they relate to our Circle of Twelve experience?
Ross from Melbourne, Australia:
Kryon said that a new manifested energy is created when Human consciousness overcomes fear. This excites me because it suggests that new energy is created, whereas conventional physics says energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Is this a new physics? Am I missing something?
New Tools for the Shift –
Part 3 Victory Over Sorrow
Kryon gives a series of channels about the New Tools for the Shift. Kryon has given two tools for the shift. This channel is about the third tool. This one will be seen as a gift. How many of you have something which you cannot control? It’s sorrow. For instance, the sorrow of losing someone you loved, such as a child. What if you could have victory over your sorrow? The memory can exists without the sorrow. If you could have that in your life do you see how it could clear the way for joy? There are so many ways to get through this. The answer is that you don’t take away the event, but you take away the reaction to the sorrow of the event. What if that sorrow could be replaced with a warm feeling of their remembrance. What if you could have that person standing next to you and feel okay and feel their love? You could have victory over sorrow. That is the third tool, which is seen as a gift. This is one of the biggest gifts of the series.
New Tools for the Shift – Victory Over Sorrow
Kryon takes us into a multidimensional room that has the gifts of the month. Some of these gifts require your consent and the gift tonight does. This gift will allow Victory Over Sorrow. The loss of loved ones, especially children, will put an imprint of sorrow, grief, and depression in your life. There is so much love for you from the Creator to have victory over sorrow. You can reframe the event that created sorrow into one where you have peace. Your golden Higher Self is in front of you ready to give you this gift. Will you accept the gift? If you do, this gift will pass right into your body and you will have victory over sorrow. The event will still be there but your reaction will be from a master.
Dr. Margaret Paul
Psychologist, Relationship Expert and co-creator of the Inner Bonding self-healing process
Inner Bonding: The Power to Heal Yourself
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Ramiro from Texas, USA:
I find myself going into my Soul, even at my job or around people, and continuing to work on myself, like on Healing Wednesdays. Is this okay or should I do it at a quiet place and at a more appropriate time?
Mackenzie from Wales:
What are the Lightworker duties here on Earth?
New Tools for the Shift –
Part 4 Peace Over Stress
Kryon gives a series of channels about the New Tools for the Shift. This planet is going through a consciousness Shift. Consciousness is a measure of wisdom. When Humans understand a bigger picture they are less likely to react in anger. The tool to be examined in this channel has to do with reactions to drama. When you step into the energy of drama, for example someone who is worried, stressed, angry or weeping, how do you react to it? Kryon talks about holding peace when there is drama or stress around you. The tool is this: Can you hold your peacefulness and mastery when there is stress around you? Your reactions are noticed and recognized. Can you see how being peaceful in drama can be difficult? This is the new power. The tool presented today is the ability to have peace during stress. Can you picture this for yourself? Can you practice it? This is practicing mastery. What about a coherence with your Soul? This would mean you are totally and completely at peace with everything and everyone.
New Tools for the Shift – Peace Over Stress
Kryon takes us into a multidimensional room where there are gifts and tools for you that will change your life. All of you are worthy of these gifts and tools, and you have free choice to receive them or not. You are in charge of your own magnificence. In front of you there are eight glowing packages on a shelf. You have received three already. The package you receive today is “peace in the face of stress and drama.” It’s a tool to allow you to sit in peace while all around you in chaos and drama. The angelic being, that is you, is in front of you handing you this tool. You receive this tool from the golden angel and it dissolves into you.
Abbey Normal
Psychic, Energy Healer, Mentor, and Spiritual Artist
The Story of an Interdimensional Human, My Secret to Translating the Voice of the Universe
Lee and Monika begin with an affirmation for the month.
Dear Spirit, I am a divine creation with a life that is on purpose. Dear Spirit, my magnificence creates a reality for myself that is healthy, steers me to be in the right place at the right time, and gives me wisdom and knowledge to create the perfect solutions for each situation I encounter. Dear Spirit, I intend the best for myself. Dear Spirit, I am aware of the new energy and I claim it for myself knowing that the love and the light of the Creator shines upon me. It is the light of my own Soul. It is the light that I came with. It is the light that changes everything around me.
New Tools for the Shift – Part 5 Automatic Compassionate Action
Kryon gives a series of channels about the New Tools for the Shift. Humanity is in the middle of a predicted energy shift. History is no longer repeating. The new energy is one of kindness, compassion, love, understanding, peace for humanity, and coherence for the planet. In this channel tool number five of eight is given. Kryon discusses how humanity is programmed to be fearful. That is an old idea that projects doom for the future. What if, instead; there is peace on this planet, resources you don’t expect, health because of inventions, and discoveries? Here is a tool that is needed. It’s also a gift for some who don’t have it. It’s Automatic Compassionate Action. What’s it mean? It’s a countenance and attitude for everything, especially during confrontation that is targeted towards you. Instead of a reaction, you observe what’s taking place. You then use compassion in your actions towards the person or situation.
Automatic Compassionate Action becomes the first thing you do. New Tools for the Shift – Automatic Compassionate Action
Kryon takes you into a multidimensional place where you are to be given a tool. The tool is Automatic Compassionate Action. All of you can use this tool because it doesn’t come with the old energy. It is a new energy tool. Kryon gives a scenario where you are at dinner with family and they criticize you. What is your reaction? What if go into automatic compassionate action? It will control what you do next. You can respond by saying, “I love you.” They are in a black and white world and you see in color. You may be the catalyst when they see you with automatic compassionate action. This tool works in all situations not just those with drama. Standing before you is your Higher-Self as a golden entity and hands you a package and it goes right into you. What do you do with this gift? You practice with it.
Marilyn Harper
Channeller for Adironnda and the Council of Light, and Energy Healer
Topic: Developing Your Intuition for Health and Global Benefit
Lee and Monika share questions asked to Kryon.
Dear Kryon: Did Angels also appear on other planets of free choice? Did the Kryon entourage also give messages to the Pleiadians through the same process of channelling that exists with Lee Carroll?
Dear Kryon: What is the driving force that keeps our perception within a certain box of belief? Why can some humans step out of what they were told, and discover a bigger God, while others can’t? Does it have to do with their Akash?
New Tools for the Shift – Part 6 Expecting Benevolence
Kryon gives a series of channels about the New Tools for the Shift. Kryon gives the sixth tool. This tool goes like this: What do you expect for your future? How would you describe it? Do you expect a future to repeat as it has before? Are you headed for doom? You can design your future. There is immense power in the consciousness of expectation and intent. It is the reason affirmations work. In this energy, with the mastery you are studying, you are in charge of what happens next. You create the future by what you expect. Kryon calls this tool Expecting Benevolence. What do you expect tomorrow? What do you expect in your life. Do you expect benevolence? Start visualizing benevolence for your life. Can you see yourself smiling in joy? Expect benevolence.
New Tools for the Shift – Expecting Benevolence
Kryon takes you into a multidimensional place where you are to be given a tool. Standing before you is a beautiful angelic presence filled with gold majesty, and it is you. It is your Higher-Self and represents the core of the bigger you –your Soul. This angelic presence takes a package off the shelf and you are asked if you wish to receive this tool and gift. You have to give permission. Are you ready? Can you expect benevolence and get past any doubts you may have? Will you accept this divine gift? Those who say yes, receive the gift of “Expecting Benevolence” into their body. Mastery is yours.
Sherianna Boyle
Professor of Psychology, author of Emotional Detox and founder of C.L.E.A.N.S.E. Method.
How to Create What You Want Without Adding More to Your Plate
Lee and Monika discuss the subject of karma and provide information that Kryon has given on this subject.
Lee and Monika share a question asked to Kryon.
Dear Kryon,
When Humans drop their karma, what happens to the others from their karmic group who choose to continue to carry their own karma? How are they affected?
New Tools for the Shift – Part 7 Greeting Your Higher-Self
Kryon gives a series of channels about the New Tools for the Shift. This tool is called Greeting Your Higher-Self. It is about an awareness of the Bigger You. Your Higher-Self is angelic just like you. Your Higher-Self is something that is you. This is a multidimensional concept. Your Bigger You can be on the other side of the veil and this side of the veil too. The tool is greeting or being aware of a Higher-Self. Imagine being guided by your Bigger You who knows everything. What if you gave gratitude to your Higher-Self every morning? It’s your super power. It’s all knowing, beautiful and it has your name. What can you do with this Higher-Self? The answer is anything you want. This tool is taking the hand of the angelic super power that is you. “Thank you, Spirit, for starting to show me the truth of the magnificence of the Human Spirit and what we can do together.” When you amplify this Higher-Self and greet others who have done the same everything lights up.
New Tools for the Shift – Greeting Your Higher-Self
Kryon takes you into a multidimensional place where you are to be given a tool. Kryon asks if you think you are worthy to receive this tool. If you say no you are echoing a program of a low energy Earth and it doesn’t belong here in the Circle of Twelve. You are worthy. This Higher-Self has always had the hand of divinity outstretched to you. Kryon asks you to meet your Higher-Self and out steps a Golden Angel – your Bigger You. This gift is given a little differently. This angelic form takes something off the shelf and it goes inside the angel and then they step toward you with both hands out inviting you to hug your Higher-Self. As you hug your Higher-Self you integrate your divinity. It is time to Greet Your Higher-Self. Visualize your Higher-Self integrating into every cell of your body.
Robin Jelinek
Channeller for Athena
Getting Unstuck in Your Life
Lee and Monika share a question asked to Kryon.
Dear Kryon,
Can you explain the difference between the following two humans:
The first Human (A) awakens spiritually. He finds the divinity within and understands the circle of life. He practices mastery in his daily life, and he expresses love and compassion to others.
The second Human (B) does not awaken spiritually. He proclaims to be a non-believer. He lives by his own moral codes and his daily life is filled with expressing love and compassion to others.
Both humans show love and compassion to others, but one is aware of the Creator within and the other is not. Is there a difference between how much they raise the vibration of the planet? What is the difference between these two individuals regarding their next expression of life?
Dear Kryon,
There are many people who channel and say the information is coming from an entity or a group or an entourage. Often I feel that the entity is actually their own Higher-Self, but the individual feels more comfortable to say it’s something else. Can you please explain the difference between channelling your Higher Self and channelling an entourage such as Kryon or Gaia?
New Tools for the Shift – Part 8
Triumph Over Worry
Kryon gives a series of channels about the New Tools for the Shift. In this new energy there are new tools to enhance the evolutionary energy that you are in. This new energy is allowing those who have only been on Earth a few times to awaken quickly. Kryon’s admonition is to always look for love. Kryon gives the attributes of the eighth tool. The basic meaning of the number 8 from the Tibetan system of numerology is abundance. The physical shape of the number 8 looks like an hourglass to some and, therefore, represents time. There are those who view 8 sideways and that it represents infinity. The eighth tool is: Triumph Over Worry. Worry is not fear. Worry is an action and fear is not. Worry is the Human Being concentrating on negative things. Specifically, you worry about what is coming. Very few worry about the NOW (present moment) because you are in the NOW, so you tend to worry about what is coming. What if you could have complete triumph over worry? Worry changes your chemistry. When you worry your body sees you worry and cooperates with what you are worried about. What you worry about often becomes manifested. Triumph Over Worry is a tool which will change how your life unfolds. Instead of worry you reframe or have an affirmation. You affirm the best thing and the most benevolent outcome.
New Tools for the Shift –
Triumph Over Worry
Kryon takes you into a multidimensional place that has gifts and tools. The package you are picking up today is Triumph Over Worry. This gift will go inside you and you will be able start practicing. You will have awareness of worrying and will be able to stop and reframe and create positive statements. This beautiful angelic form (your Higher Self) takes this last gift off the shelf without you having to ask for it. This is a gift, not a tool, and you will take that gift and put it in yourself. This is the beginning of extended life for you.
Michelle Karen
Astrologer and Shaman
What to Expect in the Coming 2023-2041 Period
Lee and Monika begin with an affirmation for the month.
Dear Spirit, thank you, for my divine spark. I am ready to enhance my divinity. I acknowledge the Golden Angel inside that represents my Higher Self. Dear Spirit, give me intuition to receive benevolent guidance in my life. I am ready for an amplification of my light, and for greater balance and wisdom in my daily life. Dear Golden Angel inside, I give permission and allowance to meld my consciousness with your divinity. Together, let us demonstrate compassionate action. Let us radiate joy, peace, balance, and oneness.
Questions asked to Kryon:
Dear Kryon:
Many healers and Lightworkers often meditate and pray when someone they know is physically unwell or unbalanced. Sometimes the recipient of this prayer and meditation is healed. There have been many incidents where a collective group prays for someone’s healing and the person has been healed. Can you tell us more about this process? What attributes makes this particular type of collective Human consciousness so powerful?
Dear Kryon: What is the driving force that keeps our perception within a certain box of belief? Why can some humans step out of what they were told, and discover a bigger God, while others can’t? Does it have to do with their Akash?
Messages from an Angel – Part 1 Catching the BallKryon give a series of four channels that are four messages from an angel.
Kryon tells us that when we pray for others or send them energy and benevolence, the recipient has to believe they are worthy to receive it. They have to be ready to catch the ball of kindness, compassion, and healing. If they are not ready to catch it and they say they are unworthy or they don’t think it will work, it probably won’t work. For those of you in trouble and need help, Kryon asks if you are ready to catch the ball. This channel and the next four are about conversations with an angel. What is your idea of what an angel is? Almost every doctrine has stories of angels. What are angels? Who is the angel? What is the first thing angels say in scripture? It is, fear not. Almost all angels appear to Humans as women. Kryon tell us that angels are beautiful multidimensional entities, with sentience, that always represent the divine Creative Source. When angels show up quite often it is spectacular and that is why there is fear. You don’t see a woman with a halo in a beautiful outfit. You see multidimensionality at its grandest and you are afraid. When an angel appears, anywhere for any reason to any Human Being they always say, “Don’t fear me, because part of me is part of you. Here is the message that I have.” The angels you will meet (in the Circle of Twelve) will not frighten you. The first angel you will meet in the Circle of Twelve will give you a message about you. This first angel will come to you with a message that will help you to catch the ball of divinity.
Message from an Angel – Catching the Ball of Divinity
Kryon takes you through a doorway and portal to a place where you expect to meet an angel. You are going to a room and you have no idea how big or small it is. There is a chair for you to sit down in. As you sit and wait you invite angelic energy to visit you. Here is a pure divine energy that comes to you and the air is thick with divine purpose. This is the angel who will help you catch the ball when it is thrown to you by those who love you, and want to pray for you. This angel is going to show you miraculous things. The angel says, “I love you, come with me.” The angel may take you metaphysically and imbue you into its energy. The angel will take you and show you the moon and Earth being formed, and the birth of the enlightened Human. The angel tells you that you see it because you were there and you remember it because you were there. The angel tells you that you deserve to be here. You are a piece of Creation itself. You deserve to catch the ball of divinity. You can catch the ball because you are worthy.
Andreas Goldemann
Sound Healer, and Spiritual Guide
Emotion, the unseen cause of your life’s troubles
Monika and Lee present questions asked to Kryon:
Dear Kryon,
Often there are old energetic patterns that are deep within our Akash, which we are not consciously aware of. Sometimes this can interfere with our co-creation process. For example, in the Akash is a memory of poverty and lack. Then in this life, we would like to co-create abundance. How do we address these deep issues that we are unaware of during the co-creation process?
Dear Kryon,
What advice do you have for Lightworkers who are in places where many humans are in “survival mode” and there is a very low vibration of Human consciousness?
Messages from an Angel – Part 2 Become the Child
Kryon give a series of four channels that are four messages from an angel. Kryon describes the first time Lee experienced Kryon. There was love wash and there was no need to ask who, since love was all there was. The Angel Kryon wants you to meet today is grand, just like the last one. The message is all about the best times of your life. Kryon is aware not everyone had a good childhood but there was always a child that wanted to laugh. This particular angel has a message for you. the message is, “Return to the child. Return to the child. Return to the child.” The angel didn’t say to return to being a child again, but to have playfulness, laughter, and joy in your life. Let this information imbue into your cellular structure so that you can feel the results of it. The active inner child releases chemistry of health and healing when they are laughing
and joyful.
Message from an Angel – Become the Child
Kryon takes you into a multidimensional room and you are asked to sit in a chair. You invite an angel to come and give you a message. You start to feel the divinity of the Creative Source within you and you know that your Soul always was and always will be, and it is your core. The angel has a message. This angel wants to tell you about childhood. The angle wraps it arms around you and gives an all-encompassing feeling of love. The angel wants to tell you something that Humans should know. When Humans come from the other side of the veil in birth there is a transformation that occurs. Your consciousness arrives with your first breath. Your consciousness comes from your Soul energy, from the other side of the veil. When you are born that divinity is with you. How long is it with you? Up to six years of age. Are you aware you can attributes of the other side of the veil up until six years of age? This experience is engrained in you. Kryon asks you to go back and get the multidimensional part of you that you had as a child. You can go there and pull it forward. Become the child.
Dr. Julie Krull
Integrative Health Practitioner, and Psychotherapist
Multidimensional Healing of Self and Planet
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Renate from Germany:
Even after experiencing over 100 Circle of Twelve meditations from Kryon, I am still weeping frequently. Sometimes I know Spirit is with me, but often I am pondering if something is wrong with me.
Donna from California, USA:
I understand that we are here to raise the consciousness of humanity on Earth. By doing so, are we also raising the consciousness of other planets and beings in the universe and multi-universe?
Zebra from Texas, USA:
Everything seems to sparkle more brightly ever since 2020. The oak leaves, water ripples, even pieces of plastic seem to shine brighter in the sunlight, moonlight or any form of light. Has something shifted dimensionally or have I?
Messages from an Angel – Part 3 Advanced Innate Communication
Kryon give a series of four channels that are four messages from an angel. The angel that you meet in this channel is called the Biological Angel. Kryon talks about the multidimensionality of angels and states that they don’t have a gender. This angel has a message about you and your biology. Each one of you has the ability to talk to your cells. Kryon expands on that through the message of the angel. How do we talk to our cells? How is the best way? Kryon asks you to sit before the Biological Angel. In scripture many have been afraid of angels when they first appear. No angelic angel has ever been in a 3D form, rather it is the Human brain that creates a shape to the energy they sense and feel. This Biological Angel wants to talk to you about talking to your cells. Most Humans don’t have any idea how to do it. Those who create coherence have the most success. The first message the angel has is: If you wish to talk to your cells there is a missing piece. Don’t focus on your body. You have to do it through your Soul. That requires you to go into the Soul part of you and pull the love of Spirit into a coordinated focus that pastes upon your body and all your body will feel is love. Drop into your heart and pull the love from the Creative Source.
Message from an Angel – Advanced Innate Communication
Kryon takes you through a doorway and entire a huge space without walls or a ceiling and yet, it feels intimate. There is a chair and you sit down. There is an angel here just for you. You are safe and surrounded by an angelic entity that wants to give you a message about your body. The prime element of consciousness is love. Love is where you came from and where you will return. The angel tells you that there is nothing greater or grander than love. The way to communicate with your cellular structure is through your Soul, and your Soul is with you all the time. But the first thing you have to do is to go through love. What do you want to say to your cellular structure? “Dear cellular structure, listen up, I love you. Coming from my Soul energy which is forever, I love you.” That’s the beginning. Let your body understand and know that the consciousness which your body lives for, which is you, is loved. The first step to talking to your cells is to imagine yourself in the grandest love of all of your Soul energy and turn that upon your cellular structure all at once and say, I love you. The second step is to imagine your body energy called Innate. Talk to Innate as one thing. “Dear Innate, you know what is wrong. Dear Innate, let’s balance it, I love you.” It’s a whole body experience, not isolated groups of cells.
Brothers Guy
and Ilan Ferdman
Personal Development Coaches and Founders of Satori Prime
The difference between cerebral learning and experiential learning – Part 2
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Emma from UK:
Kryon has spoken about the importance of Base Twelve and within that the number four and things being divisible by four. Why then does the Lemurian Teaching Wheel and the Shamanic Teaching Wheel have five spokes and not four? I will be thrilled to hear the answer.
Marian from Queensland, Australia:
As a male I would like to know what sorts of supportive usefulness are we able to pursue on our journey to ascension. Most emphasis seems to be on women. I sort of feel somewhat left out. Is the teaching wheel only for females?
Messages from an Angel – Part 4
You Are In Control
Kryon give a series of four channels that are four messages from an angel. This channel will present the fourth message. When you are in front of the angelic presence of an angel there is no teaching there is simply a feeling. You don’t teach love, you feel it. The first angel had a message for you to cognize who you are – your divinity. The second angel had an unusual message about your inner child. The third angel had a message about how you might talk to the cells of your body. The fourth angel you might call the futurist angel and has a message for you to hear. You sit in a chair with intent. There is a ball of energetic information being thrown to you to catch. How long do you have on Earth? All of you will take your last breath one day. The fourth angel comes to you and tells you a truth. You are in control of how long you stay (live on Earth). There is no angel of death with a date. No one knows the date of your death as the Human Being is in full control of how long they will live. You have control of how long you are here. You are in control of all of it.
Message from an Angel – You Are In Control
Kryon takes you through a doorway and into a multidimensional place. You sit in a chair and are surrounded by an energy that is unending compassionate love. You feel a divinity come over you. There is an angelic energy that comes to invade every cell of your body to hold you, and hug. The message is that there is no predestination of your life. You have control over your life and you have control over when you will take your last breath. There is no angel of death. You roll out a carpet in front of you every single day. If the carpet has low self-worth and you are afraid of everything you don’t have any control. A carpet in front of you is something you create. You design the carpet you walk on every single day. Gratitude and joy will extend your life. You are in charge of your destiny. Even to the extent that you can plan your next lifetime while you are still here. The futurist angel sees how much you can control your own existence. It’s time cognize this.
Joe Hehn
Spiritual Coach, Author, and Speaker
Finding Your Purpose through Loss
Lee and Monika begin with an affirmation for the month.
Dear Creator, thank you, for being a part of me. I affirm that you love me beyond measure and have given me the gift of free choice, to discover the God within. I claim the magnificence of my Soul. I invite the energy of my Soul to become even more enhanced in my daily life. The expression of my Soul, in the form of love and compassionate action to others, reminds me of my own divinity. All is well and all that is happening is for my highest good.
Lee gave information about his recent open-heart surgery and his Miracle Moment.
Levels of Super Awareness – Part 1 Awareness of the Your Soul
Kryon gives a series of four channels on Super Awareness. Each channel is about the different levels of awareness. How many of you are having an awareness that God is bigger than you were told? You have a piece of the Creator that allows you to ponder self-awareness. Self-awareness is not a product of your brain. The first item of the four levels of awareness is being Self-Aware. Are you able to reach out beyond being self-aware and ask what your role is in the cosmos? Is there something bigger? You have a grander purpose in the Universe. Higher consciousness thinking about your self-awareness is a super enhanced awareness of you. As long as the Creator has been in its eternal existence so have you. If you’re part of the Creator, you are part of what was created and understand why it was created. You helped plan and create who you are as a Human. It means you are not here by accident and there is a grander, greater plan, that is also known by you.
The Green Mist –
Healing Your Body
Kryon guides you into a safe place of splendor, filled with love and you realize you are Home. You go to an area and relax. Kryon asks you to get quiet in your 3D reality. This Circle of Twelve is important for you to be as quiet and still as possible. There is a thick, green mist developing all around you. It is healing mist filled with love. It’s a miracle mist that needs your permission as it’s about to imbue itself into every cell of your body and stay there. This green mist is a healing mist. This particular mist in this Circle of Twelve episode is for physical healing. Love is here. It’s like a healing bath. All you have to do is BE and let Spirit do the work. The green mist is talking to your Innate and flows to where it is needed. While it is happening you are to affirm that you deserve it.
John Burgos
Creator of the show Beyond the Ordinary
The Alchemy of Connecting to Your Higher Wisdom
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Mariamne from Cape Town, South Africa:
A contrast of information came to my mind when KRYON spoke about The Lemurian Star Mother teachings on the teaching wheel when you read an extract of a lesson for the concept of Reincarnation. In that extract we met the caterpillar called Little Hungry that represented the Lemurians reincarnation process. However, previously we were told we had only ever been Lemurian ONCE, meaning we only had one life time in Lemuria! So my linear mind couldn’t figure out this contradiction. Can you please explain?
Marie from Dunedin, New Zealand:
I am wondering whether the indigenous Hawaiian people of today are descendants of ancient Lemurians, or was Lemuria completely abandoned after the mountain sank, and repopulated later via the Pacific migrations?
Levels of Super Awareness – Part 2 Awareness of Others (Awareness of Everyone’s Soul)
Kryon gives a series of four channels on Super Awareness. All four channels are about one subject. Awareness happens in many levels and yet they are not levels. This planet of yours is increasing in awareness. Humanity is becoming more aware of multidimensionality. However, Humans need to give permission for becoming more aware. The levels of awareness are entwined with each other. There is no hierarchy. Kryon talks about living awareness. This is awareness above four dimensions. The first channel was about Enhanced Living Awareness and it was awareness of yourself. It was being Self-Aware. This channel is about Enhanced Awareness of those Around You. It is Awareness of Others. A high living awareness of others around you is being aware of their Soul to the extent that no matter they say or do the first thing you see is love. When more and more Humans are aware of others in a high level of awareness there is less judgment, no anger, and no frustration. You look at their Soul first. The kindness and compassion that results in that is mastery. “Dear Spirit I allow my consciousness to see past everything I was told. I give allowance for a higher awareness of everything.” First level is awareness of your Soul. The second level is awareness of the Soul of others.
The Green Mist –
Healing Emotions
Kryon takes you to a beautiful safe place where you step into your Soul. Instead of going through a door or portal we go to an area where you sit or lie down. This is a time where you relax and are surrounded by healing in a way you have never received before. You are surrounded by a green mist that is packed with healing for you. It comes in slowly and surrounds you and senses your allowance. The energy of profound healing is being imbued into you. Spirit is working with you. Will you allow it? This time the healing green mist concentrates on wiping away anything that is inappropriate. Have you ever cried for weeks? The green mist replaces that with wisdom. The green mist takes away any inappropriate emotions or feelings of unworthiness. Let the green mist fill you up with the fact that you are magnificent. This is a time for you to sit and receive.
Guy Needler
Channeller and Energy Healer
Channelling is an Essential part of Healing
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Beth from California, USA:
Is there a difference between our cellular structure and Innate? You’ve told us to talk to our Innate and to our cellular structure. Does it make a difference which one you talk to? Can you please explain the difference?
Tina from Florida, USA:
How does an everyday working person who has for the past few years been following all this and reading & researching & just trying to figure out how to connect to one’s Higher Self or guides, truly connect?
Behzad from Texas, USA:
Kryon gave us a new tool to drop our karma. Do we have to repeat the affirmation on dropping our karma after receiving this tool? Or is it enough to say it just said once?
Levels of Super Awareness – Part 3 Awareness of Gaia
Kryon gives a series of four channels on Super Awareness. This channel is about a higher awareness of the planet Gaia. Gaia is your partner. The indigenous have always had awareness of Gaia. It is time to return to your own higher awareness of Gaia. All the air your breathe has come from Gaia, and the air you breathe out goes back to Gaia. You should give love, credibility, kindness, compassion, and awareness to Gaia. Gaia is a name given to the Earth so that you can recognize the sentience of the planet. How can you do this? What about those living in the city? Kryon gives the answer. Gaia is still connected. You are breathing her, eating her resources. Gaia the planet loves you and there is a significant partnership between you and her. You can give thanks to Gaia every morning that you wake up. This is a higher dimensional thinking. Living awareness of the planet, Gaia.
The Green Mist –
Healing Self-Acceptance
Kryon takes you into the energy of your Soul and says that this Circle of Twelve is one where you simply have to receive the loving energies from the angelic realm. You deserve this. You have the Creator inside, that’s why you deserve it. Kryon asks for quietness, no interruptions. Let the beautiful thick green mist, filled with angelic energy flow over you. You can put up your hands in gratitude if you wish. This green mist is filled with healing. The specialty this night is specific. Kryon gives it a name: acceptance of self, forgiveness of self. Why would you need to forgive yourself? Because you’re programming on Earth has told you that you are unworthy. Many spiritual doctrine has told you this. Let this green mist take away any thoughts of doubts and unworthiness. You deserve to be here.
Award winning recording artist, composer, teacher, sound and vibrational healer.
How the Power of Sound, Music, and our Voices can connect us to the Higher Realms and the Path towards Self-Realization
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Patrick from Colorado, USA:
Will the dark energy ever stop fighting back? I’m really tired and so are many others.
Lorraine from Edmonton, Canada:
Would Gaia ascend without
our help?
Jane from California, USA:
Do departed relatives watch us and know what’s going on with us in our in our lives on Earth?
Levels of Super Awareness – Part 4 Awareness of Love
Kryon gives a series of four channels on Super Awareness. The subject for this channel is a living awareness of love. On the other side of the veil love is all there is. As you increase your living awareness, love can mean something more to you. Kryon talks about the love of the Creator for you. This is the beginning of all the other awarenesses. Can you sit and be quiet? What do all doctrines of all religions have? It’s the love of God. Can you find it? With enhanced living awareness you are going to feel loved. The next time you are worried or have anxiety, be quiet and put out your hand and say, thank you for love. “Dear Spirit, love me.” Love will clear all of the fears, worries, and anxieties. You’re posturing yourself for benevolence. You are paving the ground in front of you for benevolence when you pave it with love. Can you work with this? Can you get out of anxiety and fear simply by moving into an exercise that will bring love? Love is the key, the catalyst, and all there is on the other side of the veil.
The Green Mist – Infusion of Love
Kryon takes you into the energy of your Soul. Here comes a green mist filled with angelic attributes of the Creator. When it surrounds you it comes into you and carries the potential of everything. The green mist is pure love. As it goes into every cell of your body, anything is possible. The more you can let in, the more the green mist can do. Let it flow in. This is who you are – loved beyond measure. Deserving to be here. You are known by God, created here on Earth in the image of God. That image is Love. Nothing happens without love. It’s there for you all of the time. You might even hold up a hand and say, “Thank you, Spirit for the love that flows into me.”
Barbara Blum
KAP facilitator and Energy Conduit
Kundalini Activation Process (KAP)
Lee and Monika begin with an affirmation for the month.
Dear Spirit, show me what I need to know. Make it clear so that I understand. Guide me to be in the right place at the right time. Right now, in this moment I send benevolent energy into my future. I expect good things. I am so grateful for the many blessings that I continuously receive. I share my abundance of happiness and joy with others. My life is filled with miracles.
Monika shares an answer to a question she asked Kryon:
Dear Kryon, I understand that the best question to ask is “Dear Spirit, please tell me what I need to know,” and then listen for the answers. How can we get better at listening? How can we improve the flow of communication?
Peeling the Onion – Part 1
Kryon gives a series of four channels on a topic that discusses Peeling the Onion – a metaphor that represents something you peel slowly in order to get to the core. Think of the onion as a treasure inside with all these layers around it that are puzzles to unravel. They are things you’ve been told that are not accurate. The four channels will have four subjects. This channel is about how you believe. There is the basic truth at the center and all around it are the layers of all you have been told. The narrative is that life is only on this planet. As you peel the onion you look at the cosmos and you begin to think that it is possible there is life out there. Kryon says when humanity evolves to the point where you would no longer shoot down anything from outer space you will meet those from elsewhere. That is just one of many things. At the moment there is a disagreement about the one God. The next evolution will be tolerance and acceptance of what others believe to be the one God. Kryon wants to continue peeling the onion so that you get to the magnificence of who you are. What if you are part of a big plan? A change of Human nature is afoot.
Peeling the Onion of Belief
Kryon guides you into the energy of your Soul and takes you to a new area. It is a time where you sit and let the magnificence of all those around you to work with you. Do you allow this? There is an onion in front of you of belief. Envision yourself sitting in a chair or lying on a table. All you have to do is say, “Yes, I allow it.” Meet the vision master. The vision master will help you cut through the onion to get to the core. You don’t have to peel through a subconscious belief. One of the biggest truths is the power of you. The power of your consciousness can do anything. Let the vision master come and peel the onion and cut right through to the magnificence of who you are. Self-realization. Cutting through the nonsense you might have been told. Let the vision master help you to cut to the core where anything is possible.
Jayme Price
Energy healer, channel, teacher, and author of Opening to Light Language
Multidimensional Expansion with Light Language
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Akila from Melbourne, Australia:
How do I know if my body is responding to my request to activate my DNA to 100%? What are the signs?
Maria from Portugal:
Do our family members who have returned home, to the other side of the veil, benefit from our prayers or masses that we give for them?
Donna from Virginia, USA:
In requesting prayer support are we supposed to just enter a person’s name or do we enter their name and a specific request?
Peeling the Onion – Part 2
Kryon gives a series of four channels on a topic that discusses Peeling the Onion – a metaphor that represents something you peel slowly in order to get to the core. The subject of this particular channel is unworthiness. A lack of self-worth is the most common issue of Lightworkers and Old Souls. It is completely and totally due to the Akash. If you look at history, lifetime after lifetime you have been persecuted for what you believe. Slowly over decades the idea was formed that Humans were born unworthy and this has been part of almost all the spiritual systems. This has happened lifetime after lifetime and if you moved away from this system you were persecuted. So many of you have this attribute in your Akash. Kryon tells us that this onion can slowly be peeled with the knowledge that none of those things of unworthiness is true. You were born magnificent. God knows your name and loves you beyond measure. When you got to Earth the angels sang your name in magnificence. The truth is different from what you were told. You can gently peel the onion of unworthiness.
Peeling the Onion of Unworthiness
You are your Soul and together you share a commonality of worthiness. Kryon asks you to simply have the area of your Soul appear before you and relax in a chair or massage table, whichever one is most comfortable. The vision master appears to give you a vision of who you really are. The vision master is going to cut through the layers of unworthiness so that whatever burden you carried from the past is no longer there. The vision master is part of you and your tool set. This is why you came so that you can be worthy to be here on Earth. You are worthy to be kind, compassionate, and a Human Being filled with God.
Amy Robeson
Akashic Records Teacher and Mentor
Heal Your Body, Mind & Soul through the Akashic Record
August 16, 2023
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Katalina from California, USA:
Could Kryon comment on artificial intelligence and best practices for its use?
Peeling the Onion – Part 3
Creating Your Reality
Kryon gives a series of four channels on a topic that discusses Peeling the Onion – a metaphor that represents something you peel slowly in order to get to the core. The subject of this channel and the peeling of this onion is: How strong is your consciousness when it comes to physical reality? Can you change your reality with your mind and consciousness? Can you change your future? Most of humanity have been told that you can’t and that you are subject to luck and chance. Did you know that consciousness can change chance? This channel is about controlling your reality. You can control your future. You can attract what you can conceive of. Your consciousness is energy. Energy creates things. Peel that onion of belief so that you can control your own reality. This is a new world. It’s a world of awareness where you are starting to figure out who you are and what you can do. You are in control, dear one.
Peeling the Onion to Create
Your Reality
Kryon takes you into a place where you can peel another layer of the onion. What have you been told that you can do? Kryon asks you to sit in the chair and the vision master will appear. The core truth is that this vision master is part of you. This vision master will help you get through that onion to show you who you are and what is possible. You can come out of the session differently. It’s like a field of thought where you know how to create your reality. It is accompanied by forgiveness of yourself for anything you might not have known. These lessons are about mastery. Manifesting mastery into your life as you walk around in 3D. Better realization, understanding and manifestation. It shows itself in how you act. How comfortable are you with you?
Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji
Healers and Spiritual Teachers.
Loving as Love
August 23, 2023
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Vasil from Sofia, Bulgaria:
When we change our name, whether it’s first, middle or last name, can it affect the destiny of a person? The numerology aspect of changing a name is clear to me, but what about the Akashic Records? How is that affected? I feel there is more than just the name change and that it goes deeper. But I need more clarity.
Leslie from Los Angeles, California, USA:
Can Kryon explain the difference between the I AM presence, the Soul, the Over-Soul, and what is our relationship to our Soul’s past lives? Are there other Humans walking around at this time that share the same Soul? I still get so confused.
Barbara from California, USA:
This is the year 2023. Is the neutral implant still available? (The question is in reference to Kryon Book One:
The End Times).
Peeling the Onion – Part 4
Health and Healing
Kryon gives a series of four channels on a topic that discusses Peeling the Onion – a metaphor that represents something you peel slowly in order to get to the core. Humans come in with the ability to heal themselves of profound situations, diseases, and even aging. It is part of the magnificent Soul of every Human. There is something within you which is so amazing beneath all the layers of the onion. Peeling the onion gets to a magnificent truth that was always there. It has to do with health. You have the ability to heal. Kryon talks about spontaneous remission. For example, you have a tumor and then you don’t. The reason spontaneous remission seems like a miracle is because of the layers of the onion. Kryon talks about the placebo effect. Can you really talk to your cells? Can you really use your own consciousness to heal yourself? Yes, it has always been the case. Start peeling the onion of disbelief of what you’ve been told you can’t do. This is your lineage of magnificence to be able to heal yourself. The issue is disbelief. It’s hard to heal yourself when your subconscious has always been told it cannot. Your consciousness can prevent illness and disease. The placebo effect is known by science. Spontaneous remission happens to many on a daily basis. That’s the ability you all have. You have the ability to heal yourself. Can you change your immunity by your higher consciousness? Yes. It’s all part of peeling the onion to arrive at the magnificence that is yours. You can wake up to something that is spectacular – YOU!
Peeling the Onion to Healing
Kryon takes you into a large area where the Vision Master is there. This is that part of you that can do anything. The Vision Master will wipe away the layers of the onion. You are in control of your own health. You are in control of everything inside of you including how you age. Your core shows and says, “I am magnificent and I can heal anything.” The Vision Master is here to make it work. Let the pieces and parts of your Soul that are around you, administer to you. Let them do their job. Feel the energy of the love they have from the power that is there. Sit and enjoy this. Enjoy your new health. Enjoy the healing. Enjoy the new you.
Natalia Kuna
Intuitive, Energy Healer, Spiritual Coach
Connecting with Who you Really are on a Deep Soul Level
August 30, 2023
5th Wednesday Favorite
This was a replay from a previous Healing Wednesday.
Original program was on
July 27, 2022.
Lady JB Owen
Speaker, Author and Entrepreneur
Tell your story and transform your life.
Lee and Monika begin with an affirmation for the month.
I am always with the Creator. I have divinity in my pocket for the asking. I have the power of the Universe at my disposal. I am the master Lighthouse. Everywhere I go, I am blessed. I am a Master of humanity. I am love. I am light!
Lee and Monika share a question answered by Kryon:
Dear Kryon, why is it that we are here at all? I don't understand the purpose of the Human challenge? Why is it necessary? Why wear the veil of forgetfulness while in Human form? Why is any of this happening at all?
The Evolving Human – Part 1
Kryon gives a series of four channels on Four Evolving Changes that humanity is going through. Consciousness is starting to evolve. Why is it that you don’t have more self-worth? It is something almost everyone is born with. It doesn’t make sense since all of you are born magnificent. The reason is that almost all cultures on the planet have a message that God is great and you are not. You have had many lifetimes of that message. It is time to shift that perception. The evolvement of the Human Being is where the Human understands they are magnificent. They are magnificent in wisdom and compassion, not the ego. Every Human is feeling it and the Earth is starting to awaken to more compassion. There is a collective consciousness that becomes aware of the magnificence of the Human Being. Leaders will evolve to wanting peace between their nations. An evolving humanity starts with self-worth. You sit in an evolution cycle. You sit in a magnificent time of opportunity, awakening, and love. You are in control of all of it in a way you never were before. That’s the empowered Human Being on the planet.
Experiencing different kinds of love – love from Mother
Kryon takes you into a large room where there is a chair for you to sit in. Kryon asks you to put aside all things that might disturb you from receiving love. There is a golden angelic source in the room with you. The angel is a part of the Creator and a part of you at the same time. This golden angel puts its hands on your shoulders from behind you. This is the energy from your mother. It doesn’t matter who your mother was in this life. You have had multiple lives on the planet and so Kryon is talking about a collective mother energy. The beauty of the one who birthed you, cared for you, loved you all your life. Feel that pure love of a beautiful loving Human mother pouring into you. Rewrite any programs you need to receive this pure unconditional motherly love. One time or another you’ve had the perfect mother that surges through your DNA. Accept this love of mother.
Sara Landon
Channel for The Council
Living Your Highest Potential
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Jan from Wisconsin, USA:
So many of us collect crystals and stones. However, lately when I think of people digging in the earth and taking them it feels wrong to do so. Especially the huge ones you see posted on Facebook and social media. It seems like stealing from Gaia. What gives?
Charlotte from Illinois, USA:
I am afraid of the huge energy of Gaia. How should we view our relationship with Gaia?
Lee and Monika share a question answered by Kryon:
Dear Kryon, how do we know whether we’re Lemurian? Is it important?
The Evolving Human – Part 2
How Do You Observe Others?
Kryon gives a series of four channels on Four Evolving Changes that humanity is going through. Who you are today is based on what you have experienced. There are those who will inform you that you are a product of your environment that you grew up in. Kryon tells us that the 24th chromosome pair rewrites all of that programming. You receive information from your Akash. How do you observe others? The way you observe others is starting to mature. Instead of reacting to someone you observe them with compassion. How do you observe everyone around you? Maybe it’s at work, or with your friends. The mature Human sees everyone and observes others without judgment and relates to them as pieces of themselves. Can you feel in your heart that others who behave in an inappropriate or disturbing way are still a part of you? The Old Soul has the tools to make peace on Earth go faster. There is a planetary change going on, not just changes of the individual. There is a change going on about how the collective humanity thinks about others. The evolvement is to the idea of oneness. This is a true assessment of what is going on in your world right now.
Experiencing different kinds of love – love from a Human lover and the Great Partner.
Kryon takes you into a multidimensional area. There is a chair for you to sit in. Humans understand the love of one Human to another. Kryon talks about the Great Partner. The love inside yourself that you understand, feel and know and it is not from God. It belongs to you. It is part of you, Gaia, and the field. It’s the Great Partner of Self that understands the love of one Human to another. Sit in the chair so that a grand angel can come to you and places its hands on your shoulders on the back of you. The angel says, “Greetings, dear one, to the love of your life.” Can you feel that love? It’s the love of a human partner that is perfect in every way and loves you so much. It makes you melt. Your literature is filled with this love. If you can feel, and imagine that, it is the key to loving yourself. It is the Great Partner. You are the Great Partner for yourself. Feel the angel giving you perfect love from a Human.
Dr. Shariff Abdullah
Consultant, Author, Advocate for Societal Transformation
Birthing a New Society from the Chaos of the Old
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Nina from Ecuador:
I appreciate the affirmations and use them daily. However, it seems that they are now including language that feels a bit linear and hierarchical by referencing the Creator more frequently. It feels more like a reference to a traditional thing, Being, or God, which Kryon says is not how we need to think of Spirit. I used to appreciate language that referred to Source, Spirit or Creative energy. Can I substitute language I am more comfortable with like Source or Creative Energy in the affirmations?
Lee and Monika share a question answered by Kryon:
Dear Kryon, many times I’ve requested to go to my next step but I haven’t noticed anything happening. I think of sending light to certain places and I wonder if anything’s happening. How can I increase my awareness?
The Evolving Human – Part 3
How Do You React to Others?
Kryon gives a series of four channels on Four Evolving Changes that humanity is going through. Can you feel yourself intuitively changing in how you think and act? The answer for many is yes. You are seeing more kindness and caring. This is new. This is the third attribute about the evolving Human. People are starting to relate to each other in ways they haven’t before. How are you perceiving your reaction to other people? The reaction to others is one of the biggest things we’ve talked about for years. Suddenly, you are starting to have a much different reaction than ever before and it goes against your programming. When someone says something confrontational or insulting the normal program is to react in anger. Now we are seeing something different. Many are reacting in a way where they pause before responding and they are no longer angry. Is there a new program at hand that is better for the situation and better for you? Sometimes non-reaction is the best reaction. Sometimes responding with love will disarm the situation. There are so many ways of turning confrontation into compassion. This is a new evolutionary aspect of the evolving Human. It’s changing the way people treat each other.
Experiencing different kinds of love – love from best friends.
Kryon takes you into a multidimensional room where you are invited to sit in a chair so that you may receive love. There is a golden entity in the room with you and all they want to do is to love you. That beautiful entity comes and puts their hands on their shoulders and pouring into you is the love of others. Suddenly in front of you are numbers of chairs. In every chair is a best friend giving you unconditional love. Imagine all the best friends from past lives. Every best friend tells you who much they love you. Sit and absorb the self-worth that you deserve. The beauty of being loved by others. The love of a best friend. That is what Soul family is. You are dearly loved.
Bill Phillips
Psychic Medium
Tune in to Spirit and Awaken Your Inner Wisdom
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Karen from Maryland, USA:
My friend was visiting a mutual friend who was in hospice in his final days and he was beginning his transition. During one of his lucid times he said he felt himself rising up to the tops of the trees and a tree became alive and wrapped him in a loving embrace as the sky opened and he felt the most amazing love wash. When I heard this story it was as if I experienced what he did. I saw the tree change from what we see normally to a live being. It still looked like the tree but it was different. It felt like the tree was seeing me as my spirit self and I saw it as a loving family member welcoming me home. There was so much love. I want to have that feeling again, but I can’t figure out how to do that. Any guidance is greatly appreciated.
Lee and Monika share a question answered by Kryon:
Dear Kryon, what words can I use to best present the concept of God and the “All There Is” to my children who are aged two and three, so that they have access to these ideas. How can I create an atmosphere of free choice in
these matters?
The Evolving Human – Part 4
God Inside
Kryon gives a series of four channels on Four Evolving Changes that humanity is going through. We are sitting in a time of evolution of Human consciousness. With it comes all the strife you see today. Low consciousness has always been there and now it is starting to show in the light. Humans are wanting to clean up inappropriate things. Kryon discusses the previous three areas of changes in Human Evolution. This fourth area of change means you will not repeat history. That’s the evolution. There is a cycle – you learn things, you move out of dysfunction into things that work because you learned what didn’t work. That is maturity. However, young people have to learn it all again. There is no way you can pass your maturity to your children. Suddenly there is an evolutionary process that uses the 24th chromosome pair. What you’ve experienced as humanity becomes imbued in your children at birth and they know what doesn’t work. They don’t have to learn it again. That’s the difference. They come in and experience the evolutionary consciousness of humanity. This result is that they are able to see, realize, and admit the Creative Source is inside them and that they are part of God. There is an awareness that love brings you into this planet and when you leave you return back to love. Inside you is a feeling or awareness of your Soul energy. This is the new awareness: God Inside. The consciousness of God is love. When the Human has stress they look outside for a solution. The evolved Human looks inside because they are aware of the God inside
Experiencing different kinds of love – love from the Creator
Kryon takes you into a room so that you can receive something. It is your Soul energy. As you come into the room you feel the energy of the Golden Angel and you sit in the chair. That beautiful entity places its hands on your shoulders. Pouring into you is all of the love of the piece of God that you carry when you are a Human Being. If God is love and purity and abundance … you have all of that in you. These things will stay, even when you leave the chair. Imagine walking around and feeling the love of the Creator within you. God is part of you and in every cell. Kryon asks to come forward and touch you. Kryon as the angelic form participates in loving you. Kryon touches that part of your shoulder that is being touched by the Golden Angel and flows love into you as well. You are a piece of everything that is and existed long before the Earth was formed. You deserve this love. You are love. Let your 3D reality merge with the magnificence of who you really are. Let this love pour into you.
Dr. Jo Dee Baer
Wellness Coach and Holistic Nutritionist
Keys to a Life of Excellence within
6 Pillars of Foundational Health
Lee and Monika begin with an affirmation for the month.
I possess the sword of truth, the shield of knowledge, and the armor of wisdom. I carry the mantle of God and use my gifts and tools for the highest good of all.
I am wise beyond my years and see the blessing in everything. The life puzzles I solve are the catalysts for planetary change, and increase the vibration of the planet. My very existence is sacred and blessed.
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Andrea from Florida, USA:
As a former geologist, I am well aware that the magnetic poles have switched many times throughout the geologic history. If it switches now I’m sure it will have devastating effects on life on the Earth. Do you see that happening any time soon?
Magnus from Sweden:
Could you invite some astronomer or other scientist to Healing Wednesday to speak about the physics of the Shift from an astronomical view? The planet is currently bombarded with sun-storms and cosmic energies that seems to especially affect North America, right now. I would like some more nerd-ness, please!
The Akash – Part 1
Your Last Lifetime is the Most Influential
Kryon gives a series of four channels on the Akash. One of the most profound energies a Human has to deal with is that of past lives. Kryon explains that when the term Akash is used it’s an active energy of your past life experiences. Your most immediate past life that you had has the greatest influence on who you are today. It’s almost like your last life and this one melds together in such a way that you could almost continue it. Kryon refers the many children who we call a prodigy. Welcome to the Akash. This is the immediate past life time. A child prodigy that plays piano is simply continuing their last lifetime. Many of your worries and fears transfer over. What did you die from? What is that you are dealing with today? The reason may be from a past life and you can drop these energies. Dear Spirit, I hereby drop all of the things that would keep me from my magnificence in my life. This is a new Earth with new energy and a new Human. You can drop these unwanted energies yourself without help. Dear Spirit, I choose to drop all these things that don’t work for me. What gender were you last time? What if you were a different gender to what you are in this life? Every Human has been both genders. You are magnificently endowed with all you have been.
The Akashic Angel
Making New Vows
Kryon takes you to a safe place. You are visited by the Akashic Angel. Kryon asks is it that gets in the way of your joy? Quite often it is bad habits. Could you have a habit from a past life? What if you could change that? You wake up with gratitude regardless. The Akashic Angels is here to remove those things within your Akash. It’s a ceremony. How about a new vow? You look in the eyes of the angel and you make a divine vow.
“Dear Spirit, I make this vow for all that is me in this lifetime. Here is my vow. I promise to drop the things that don’t enhance my magnificence. I vow to find the light that is there before me. I vow to start seeing and changing the habits that don’t serve me. I vow to become the Human I was born to be.” Design the future by being grateful for the present. Stay with the angel and feel the removal of what doesn’t suit you.
Christina Lopes
Spiritual Teacher
How To Heal Trauma At All Levels
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Katheryn from Michigan, USA:
I have been having such vivid dreams about helping people in need, mostly because they are outcasts. I then consciously hold their hands and pray out loud for love, peace, and joy. I find myself saying this out loud in the dark. Am I helping?
Lee and Monika share a question answered by Kryon:
Dear Kryon, how can we maintain harmony and balance within ourselves and our homes?
The Akash – Part 2
The School of Wisdom
Kryon gives a series of four channels on the Akash. Kryon tells us about the grand school of the Akash. Most think of the Akash as something you deal with to void negative things. Lifetime after lifetime there is a deposit of experiences that result in wisdom for the next lifetime. Have you wondered why children from the same set of parents are so different? Welcome to the Akash. An Old Soul has been on the Earth many times and they are wise beyond their years. An Old Soul understands there is more here than what you think. They are okay with not knowing, because what they don’t know is magnificent. An Old Soul believes intuitively that they can heal themselves, and that consciousness has power. There are so many Old Souls being born right now, like child prodigies that can play the piano and violin. They are growing up and giving wisdom. Wisdom is starting to occur especially among the young people. If you are cynic and feel that nothing is getting better, there are many things changing. The reason is wisdom that is coming from the school of the Akash. You are wise. It is why you are here.
The Akashic Angel
Graduation and Diploma
of Mastery
Kryon takes you into a theater where you sit in a chair and meet the Akashic Angel. The Akashic Angel is behind you and in the audience comes a lot of different people. All of the expressions of your past lives come and sit before you. You have been through so much. Each past life represents and class and lesson you have gone through. When all your past lives are seated the Akashic Angel speaks. There is a collective name for all of them that includes you too. The Angel welcomes everyone to the gathering and you come for one reason – congratulations. Everyone stands and begins to applause. The Akashic Angel comes forward with your diploma. This is your graduation. This planet is going through a Shift and you have graduated. You have gone through the school of the Akash and receive a diploma. The words of the diploma say Mastery. Congratulations of mastering the wisdom school.
Reverend Sue Fredrick
Intuitive Coach, Master Numerologist, and Unity Minister
How Three Shared-Death Experiences Fast-Tracked my Life into Loving Action
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Joy from California, USA:
I have been crossing the veil for many years now and my path is a forest trail. Instead of seeing a mist I walk through a curtain of leafy vines. I always cross into what I call my sacred space which is mostly the same every time, but with new additions to it, as suggested by Kryon and as my Spirit world expands. Kryon says it will look different each time. So my question is since mine has stayed consistent over the years am I doing something wrong?
Serena from Texas, USA:
Lately, when I sit among the grass and the old trees on our ranch, many songbirds gather and come unnaturally close and sing. There was even a bird called a painted bunting that perched upon my hand. The butterflies flutter around me in peaceful circles and the deer are not afraid. This is something new. For me or anyone else experiencing these magical moments, what is Gaia letting
us know?
Lee and Monika share a question answered by Kryon:
Dear Kryon, when we experience the sudden loss of a loved one (Human or a pet) through accident or trauma, what are some helpful, concrete ways to alleviate the sense of shock one feels? I also believe that it’s harder to go through this as a Lightworker, as part of me knows that my loved one is in a place of peace and joy, yet there is still the veil that makes this feeling of separation seem so real and painful. Is there a way we can still energetically connect with the lost one’s presence?
I know you’ve talked about grief before, but I’d like to know specifically some actions or things that would help move one through the initial sharpness of the pain,
and the shock, while on this side of the veil.
The Akash – Part 3
Mining the Akash
Kryon gives a series of four channels on the Akash. The Akash represents the energy of your past lives and these past lives influence your current life. The energy from the past lives is not linear. Kryon mentions a parable of Wo and when he went to the hall of Akashic Records and he saw statues in a circle of all his past lives. Each statue was as close to the center as the next one where the center is your current life. Kryon explains the influence of past lives. When a lightworker awakens, their more ancient past life may have more relevance to their current life. Most past life experiences are things you are trying to negate, such as drowning. Drowning in a past life affects your fear of water today. You are wanting to solve past life issues. What about the good things? Did you have a lifetime where you excelled and had a good life with a great partner? The answer is yes. All of you did. There was a balance. What if you wanted to retrieved the good things from your Akash. Why isn’t it automatic? The answer is duality and that Human nature at the moment is biased in negativity and fear. That’s why you don’t see good things coming from your Akash. So why not go and get them? There is a tool you have which is being increased in its awareness and power. It is called “Mining the Akash,” like a miner goes in and mines for gold. Find the best things you’ve experienced to bring them forward and use them now. Some have discovered talents and brought them forward. There are so many things that are spectacularly good. There is kindness and compassion. You’ve experienced things over and over both positive and negative and they are in your current Akash and you can go and retrieve the good stuff.
The Akashic Angel
Pulling Forward Your Wonderful Past Life Energies
Kryon takes you to your sweet spot, whether it’s in outer space or in Gaia and you sit in chair. The Akashic Angel comes before you and asks if you are ready for today’s lesson. The Akashic Angel wants you to select those lifetimes that you want to bring into your lifetime today. The Akashic Angel sees the patterns of your past life and pulls them forward and you begin to recognize the ones where things were wonderful. You remember the love that was there. The Akashic Angel gives you all the energies of the past lives that you want today and places it into a folder on your lap that you will bring back with you. You review your past lives and bring back the ones with peace and when things were beautiful. You have help from the Akashic Angel to do this. Some of you may even want your past life energies from Lemuria.
Maria Martinez
Wealth Consciousness, Self-Love and Soul’s Mission
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Laurel from Seattle, USA:
How is our consciousness different from the Soul?
Gaby from Canberra, Australia:
Please help me discern fear from intuition.
Lee and Monika share a question answered by Kryon:
Dear Kryon, thank you for your teachings and for touching my heart. Being aware that doubting is an issue for me. Am I allowing or am I being lazy?
The Akash – Part 4
A Spiritual Quest & New Vows
Kryon gives a series of four channels on the Akash. The Akash holds many mysteries. If you are awakening to a bigger truth, it means that it wasn’t the first time you have awakened. Many of you have had numbers of past lives that have represented a spiritual quest. How many of you believe you were in a spiritual quest? Many of you had the opportunity to study things that had a spiritual element. But the difference today is amazing. In a past energy you studied and studied, and it was difficult to reach across the veil. Those lives were a rehearsal to what you are doing today. In summary, almost everyone listening right now had a spiritual life before this incarnation today where you dedicated your life to God. In that life you gave vows to God. These vows go right to the Soul and it sticks. How many vows have you given over the lifetimes? Now in this lifetime all those vows are hitting you and making you uncomfortable. A vow in an old energy is restrictive and not who you are today. However, that vow in the Akash still seems active. Today you can reframe your past life vows. “Dear Spirit, I drop all the old vows that are not part of my magnificence. I am doing a new vow that is about my beauty and magnificence.”
The Akashic Angel
Dropping Old Vows and Creating New Ones
Kryon takes you into area where you feel comfortable and you sit down. In front of you is a small stage. The Akashic Angel comes to you and holds you hand and thanks you. The Akashic Angel asks if you are ready for your lesson. This one is all about vows. On the stage appears your first spiritual life. The first thing your past life says, “You made it. Let’s to go to work. I give you permission to drop the vow when you were me and rework it to one that is appropriate for today and the Shift.” Another past life comes on stage. They may even be wearing a red robe. Your past life says, “I’m so glad you made it. Let’s go to work.” In this way you are invited to rework any and all of your past life vows.
Viviane Chauvet
Arcturian Hybrid Avatar, Holographic Quantum Healer
Arcturian Healing Arts Program
Lee and Monika begin with an affirmation for the month.
I am a divine piece of creation. Therefore, all that is before me is my doing. Today, I choose to slow down the aging clock that is within my cells. Today, I instruct my cellular structure to vibrate to my intent and directions. I release the divinity that is within me. I create a peaceful balance in all things, everywhere I walk. Thank you, Spirit, for giving me the ability to design benevolence in my life.
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Lynn from Canada:
What should a person do if they know someone truly hates them? I have tried to focus sending love to them, but it doesn’t seem to do anything. Since I know how powerful sending love is I worry about how powerful strong focused negative emotions sent towards me can be. Is there something one can do to help neutralize another person’s negative emotions?
William from Glasgow, Scotland:
Can I send reiki to the people of Maui, Hawaii or do I need permission to do this?
Lee and Monika share a question answered by Kryon:
Dear Kryon: When I chant mantras I know they affect my body, but can they also affect the bodies of my horses, dogs, and cats? I play different mantras 24-hours a day on our horse farm (chants like ‘Om Mane Padme Hum’). I was also wondering, can these chants help raise the vibration of the planet as well? I sure hope so, because this is my humble intent, even though the main reason I use them is because they make me feel good.
Awakening from Darkness – Part 1
The Recovery
Kryon gives a series of four channels about humanity awakening from the coma of darkness. Kryon called 2023 the Year of Recovery and now gives an explanation of what the Year of Recovery means. Kryon gives the metaphor that humanity has always been in a coma of dark energy. Human civilization has always been about one thing: war. The wars humanity has gone through seems to be continuous. This has been called Human nature. That is a coma of darkness. That’s where humanity has been. The message Kryon gave over thirty years ago is that you will not have Armageddon and instead you are headed for a battle off dark and light. The battle represents the turning point between dark and light. You will awaken from the darkness and develop the highest consciousness the planet has ever had that will eventually result in peace on Earth. Humanity is starting to awaken from that darkness. There will be those that come out of the coma and there will be those who don’t. Those who don’t awaken are invested in their reality and they want to sustain it. They want to remain in the darkness and pull everyone back. The world today will not go in the direction that it did before. Future generations will not repeat what past generations did in going to war. Most countries today don’t want any part of war. That is new. You are recovering from an old energy and you are awakening from a coma.
Celebrating Your Awakening
Kryon takes you into a grand hall and you are asked to sit in a chair. The subject is awakening. Why were you born? Why are you here? The answer is that you planned to be here now, Old Soul. Those in the crowd around you are other Souls that came in with you. They all start applauding. Thank you for awakening, on schedule. The applauding turns into cheering and you start to recognize those in the audience. It’s a celebration. You’ve awakened. That’s why you came. You are powerful and can send light to all those who need it on the planet now. You can continue to do this for the rest of your life. You have accomplished the mission of awakening. You are love. You are powerful. You are more than you think.
Bradley Nelson
Energy Medicine & author of The Emotion Code & The Body Code
The Body Code
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Victoria from California, USA:
Regarding the Green Mist, is it intended to be repeated where we can watch the replay as often as we feel compelled and use it for healing like a soothing balm? Or is the Green Mist intended as a treatment where each session is to be used only once?
Betty from Spain:
Today I felt a clear connection to the Field. I knew that I could talk to my Soul and ask questions and this is what I did. One of the things my Soul said to me is to investigate more about the Field. Can you share with us more information about the Field?
Lee and Monika share a question answered by Kryon:
Dear Kryon, you have said that there is power in voicing the Hebrew names of the DNA dimensions you are revealing. Can we activate the consciousness of this DNA within us by voicing a prayer or chant? Is this how the voicing should be used?
Awakening from Darkness – Part 2
Awakening to Compassion
Kryon gives a series of four channels about humanity awakening from the coma of darkness. What you awaken to is a new kind of consciousness. This Shift is new to humanity. It’s an evolution of consciousness that no one has seen before. Evolution of consciousness happens slowly. Kryon goes back in time to talk about England in the historic past. You are about to have a picnic with the family. Others have gathered and you are looking forward to the time on Tower Hill. Everyone is about to watch a beheading of a prisoner who is being executed. Would that be appropriate today for a family gathering? This is just one simple explanation of what we call Human evolution. Change is happening. You start to question your authorities. Humanity is growing up. Every Human is precious and has a Soul. The Soul is starting to be recognized and seen. You are awakening to new ideas of what you’re doing here and what’s next for you. War doesn’t belong in that scenario. History will not repeat itself. You are rejecting war for the first time. What can you do now? The answer is to believe that things have changed and humanity is awakening. Don’t be confused or fearful. Hold the light for this planet.
New Tool for Empaths and Sensitives
Kryon takes you into the energy of your Soul. Your Soul is connected with everyone else’s Soul. The all is one, the one is all. Feel the sweetness of who you are. Kryon takes you into a room that is special. There is a tool that is hiding. Many of you are empathic and super sensitive. When the battle of dark and light happens it lays you flat. If your reaction to what’s happening on the planet right now keeps you awake at night and puts you in sorrow, how are you helping the planet? You’re not. How will you create light in that condition? Kryon wants you to meet the teacher who will help you as you come out of the coma of darkness. The teacher will help you if your sensitive or an empath. Sit in the chair and be honored. There is a new tool coming to help you. This tool will help you to redistribute the energy and transmute it from being over-sensitive to then turn it around for action. The compassionate action is for you to create light out of the situation. Sorrow and sadness is fuel for compassion. Sit and receive this tool. Dear Spirit, let the sensitivity that I have for the world situation and specifically for other Human Beings be transmuted through this new tool to compassionate action. Let it
be transmuted, changed, and converted. Let the teacher
help you.
Brandon Beachum
Entrepreneur, Thought Leader.
Modern Alchemy to Unlock Infinite Abundance
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Willy from Belgium:
Could you provide us all with more information about the significant role of mother moon in the cosmic history of Human existence?
Brian from Mexico:
What do people mean by “downloading” ?
Lee and Monika share a question answered by Kryon:
Dear Kryon, this may be frivolous, but could perhaps be interesting. I was wondering if there was a reason why the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings films have had the enormous response that they
have had?
Awakening from Darkness – Part 3
The Timing
Kryon gives a series of four channels about humanity awakening from the coma of darkness. The Shift we are experiencing is a battle between old energy and new energy. An old consciousness wants war and a new one does not. Kryon talks about the timing of the recovery. What is the timing? How long will it last? When did it start? 2012 represented the Shift and humanity would either destroy itself, or it would move into the highest consciousness it has seen. It began in 1994 and will conclude in 2030. What did you notice in 1994? This 36 year window is where you are right now. The awakening and recovery from a dark energy may last years. There are so many levels of recovery and awakening. How do you sit with all of this? The planet is awakening and there are many gyrations it is going through. When the window is over it simply means that most of the action items are over and you continue the recovery.
Tools for the Future
Kryon takes you through a door and into a large room where only the floor is visible. There are others in the room with you. You are not alone. There is an angelic being there and it is one who you can feel a meld of love with. You sit in the chair and this angel starts to walk around you. Do you give permission to receive what this angel has for you? This beautiful angel wants to empower you with things you don’t know about yet so that you can have tools to help you with things you will need in your future. The angel wants to touch you so that the tools you need for your future will flow into you. Sit and receive things you don’t know about that will enhance your life.
Ismael Perez
Cosmic Ambassador
Our Cosmic Origin
Lee and Monika answer the following questions:
Tom from Minnesota, USA:
What is going on with UFO’s?
Rafael from Brazil:
I am always wondering if every plant and animal has the same divine seed as us Human Beings have, or is it a specific Human characteristic?
Awakening from Darkness – Part 4
Dropping of Vows
Kryon gives a series of four channels about humanity awakening from the coma of darkness. Slowly many realize that there are things around them that are different. They are seeing what has always been there and they feel empowered to make changes. This higher consciousness has always been there but now you are seeing it and claiming it. Kryon talks about other civilizations in the past with high consciousness and that humanity de-evolved and consciousness became lower. You are awakening to the past where a higher consciousness was always there and you are reviving it and rekindling it. As the light comes forward and as you see this light your Akash starts to activate. Many of you are seeing things in your awakening and you recognize what you see. What if time is a construct for you? Past, present, and future is happening all at once. What you do today can do two things. The first thing is that it can change the past for you, your ancestors, and your Akash. The second thing is that it can change your future. Spirit can see the potentials. History will no longer repeat itself. Light is coming. “Thank you Spirit, for things in the future, which are things that I cannot see. I appreciate with gratitude what is going on with me. Thank you Spirit, for loving me enough for what’s coming.”
Paving Your Future
Kryon takes you into a huge room where you sit in a chair. There is a teacher who wants to touch you. This angelic being would like to whisper in your ear about your future. That angel wants to tell you about the beauty that is before you. The affirmations you give pave a road in front of you that allows a piece and part of your future to be told an known. When you give intent for your life you pave the road with an energy in front of you to have that or something better. Perhaps your intent is general. “Dear Spirit, bring me what I need when I need it and in the process give me peace while I wait.” Sit and imagine an angel whispering in your ear that things will be okay. You don’t know what you don’t know. There is love all around me. We have heard your prayers. There is nothing but love for you. Feel the hands that are all around you as other angels join you and whisper more words of love and benevolence. Sit and feel the circle of divine beings that are around you who are part of your Soul family.
Rev. Sheila B. Tillich
Metaphysical Minister & Healer, and Recovery Metaphysician,
Recovering in Order to Walk in Your Power