Kryon Healing Wednesday INDEX
Lee and Monika discuss the Circle of Twelve and the metaphor that it represents. They also share some of their experiences of Uluru, Australia, the culture of the Anangu and a discussion on aurality.
The Smart You
Kryon talks about the Innate as being the key player in the Circle of Twelve. There is a consciousness part of Innate that hears what you say and Innate implements the things you are saying. That’s how powerful the Innate is. This explains why hypochondriacs will often catch all the things that they are afraid of. How about programming yourself for magnificence? In the Healing Circle of Twelve, Innate is critical. Your Innate is part of your healing process. The Circle of Twelve is about a connection at the soul level. Prayer works so much better when you are connected to the Source instead of begging on your knees. It’s you with you.
In this Circle of Twelve you are sitting in the chair, within the theatre in the round, and those in the audience come to you and wash your feet with their tears of joy. The audience starts to appear to you and they all have your face. That’s a metaphor because each one is you in a past life. You claim what is yours.
Eric Pearl
The Reconnection
Reconnective Healing
Lee and Monika discuss their adventures on Rapa Nui (Easter Island). Monika shares the special connection between Rapa Nui shaman, Pau Hitorangi with Hawaiian Kahuna Kalei’iliahi.
The Conduit of Prayer
The connection with your soul is the next step on the way to healing, peace, and longer life. Many have asked about prayer. Prayer works, but, when you got into the Healing Circle, you sit with Spirit, and, instead of a prayer where you plead to Spirit you are at the crux of your soul, and your soul is part of the Creator. When we get to the Circle of Twelve, we invite you to pray in any way you want. When you get to the place where you step into your soul energy, you have all of that which is you, your Akash, and all those you love on the other side of the veil. The invitation is to peel the onion of what you were taught and thought you knew. Love and prayer will expand and get stronger. You are graduating to a strong conduit of prayer. It’s about you and the enhancements you have to connect with the Creator.
Kryon tells us that our Innate and the cells of our body are aware of what we are doing in the meditation. Kryon mentions that as you sit in the chair there are those who wash your feet and it includes those who have betrayed you, living or dead. Kryon invites you to forgive them as they wash your feet with their tears of joy. Kryon describes those in the audience all have your face. They are the many yous from your past lives. They continue to wash your feet.
Sherianna Boyle
Professor of Psychology, author of Emotional Detox and founder of C.L.E.A.N.S.E. Method.
Lee and Monika give another discussion on Uluru and the feminine energy that is there. Monika talks about the “sorry rocks” from Uluru.
Above the Clouds
Kryon gives a story about his partner Lee asking a commercial pilot what keeps him going. The response from the pilot was that he always gets above the clouds, and it’s always a nice day above the clouds. Kryon uses this as a metaphor. No matter how you feel, the love and compassion from Spirit are always there. Kryon takes us on a journey and gives a similar experience to the Circle of Twelve. Do you give permission to release the anxiety? When you give permission, you go above the clouds into a sunny day where joy, love, peace, and compassion exist. Kryon asks you to feel the arms of the entourage around you and let them lift you above the clouds. The first step to healing is to feel the love of the Creator. The love of God is always there, if you will allow it. God knows your name. That ought to tell you everything.
Kryon tells asks us to sit in the chair and enjoy what is going to happen. When you sit in the Circle of Twelve you sit in the consciousness of the Creator. This time your feet are being washed by your ancestors. Those who preceded you by your bloodline on this planet are all standing in line to wash your feet with their tears of joy that you actually sat in the chair.
Paola Ranova Founder of the Cardinal Method for Energy Healing
Lee and Monika talk about their Kryon Egypt Tour and the climb to the top of Mt. Sinai for sunrise.
Permission to Heal
Kryon talks about healers and how some of their patients will instantly heal and others will not. Healing requires your intent or awareness that the healing will work. It also requires permission for the healing to occur. There is a key in a lock that has to be inserted and turned. The one being healed has to want the healing. There has to be belief. Prayer works so well for healing because of belief, intent, and permission. Those who don’t heal haven’t given permission. At some level they have disbelief. This is what makes it complex. How can you get past this and peel the onion of disbelief and be so open that prayer will work instantly? Welcome to the Circle of Twelve. The key goes in the lock when you cross the bridge.
In this meditation Kryon tells us that the ones in the audience who are washing our feet are complex because they are the ones from our immediate future. The potentials that you are developing of those you are going to meet that will put you on a new track of healing and peace. They could be friends, healers, those you create relationships with, or those you meet along the way. Your future is creatable. Some of those in the audience may also be you in your future lives to come.
Dr. Emil Faithe Medical Intuitive and Hollistic Pharmacist
Lee talks about Peggy being the first Kryon team member and his first overseas meeting in Australia. Part of Lee’s adventures was setting up for a Kryon seminar in a room adjoining a rock group called the Smashing Pumpkins.
Multidimensional Communication with Innate
The biggest message from Kryon is that the consciousness on the planet is shifting. There are many who ask questions about the Human body. Is there something in the Human body that is so different from consciousness that it actually runs the show when it comes to chemistry? It’s not your brain, heart, or pineal. It is called Innate. The wall that separates you from your Innate is going to change. Innate is the control panel of the Human body. Innate wants you to have a conversation and communicate what you want and your instructions for health. Innate is multidimensional, but you are in three dimensions. However, as you become multidimensional, you can communicate with Innate. The Circle of Twelve puts you into a multidimensional place where you can begin to speak with your Innate.
Kryon asks you to sit in the chair and make some proclamations. What is it you came for? Those sitting in the chairs of the amphitheater are citizens of creation, they are anyone who has a soul like yours. There is a celebration about to occur. In the chairs are the cells of your body, and you have trillions of them. They are there in order to tell you they are listening and ask what you need. Your cells are listening to you. You might say, “I have come today for health, strength, happiness, joy, and solutions to my problems.”
Peggy Phoenix Dubro Originator of the EMF Balancing Technique
Lee and Monika discuss languages and the funny things that happen in translation. They also discuss the third language that Kryon gives in every channel and that those who translate Kryon into other languages are also channelling Kryon.
The System of the Old Soul
The first belief systems on this planet understood that you come and go from the planet many times. The soul is part of a system of reincarnation. When you’re on the other side of the veil, you’re connected to all that is. Therefore, there is no committee deciding who you will be, what culture, gender, etc. This system is more magnificent than you think. It’s you with all the other entities making all the decisions of your soul planning and your reincarnations. The entire reason for reincarnation is learning. Sometimes you’re born with difficult parents, and you will be their teacher. The more mature you are, the more you can do for the planet, especially in dysfunctional families that don’t know anything about the Creative Source, but you do. You have so much influence on what you.
Kryon says that those who went through the mist are in another reality. While you are in that reality your cells suspend themselves in time. While you are in that reality
you are not aging. This is an honored place and that all that is there has been waiting for this moment. If there could be a reaction from your soul it would be that you’ve gone through the mist and all that is in your soul, all those who participate in your soul look at you and smile and saying finally they are here. This is all of you, the past that is ancient, you in other planets and universes, you as eternal in both directions. You sit in your soul. In this meditation Kryon celebrates one thing. Today Kryon asks you to sit in the chair and be loved. The seats of the audience are filled by all those who have ever known you in any lifetime.
Duccio Locati Psych-K Instructor
Lee describes his creative solution that was needed during his Kryon conference in Geneva, which included an excursion to the CERN facility.
Innate Knows You’re Looking
Innate is responsible for spontaneous remission. You are built to survive and live a long time. You’re built to regenerate. We speak of hidden things, and one of those is the reaction that Spirit and Innate have to a Human that starts to shift into a multidimensional reality. Innate sits in a place that is between dimensions. It’s not an organ or your consciousness. Inside you is more than you think. When your consciousness lets you cross the bridge (metaphorically) and become multidimensional, and when you cognize there is another reality, you move into this reality, and the multidimensional part of you starts to wake up. This is one of the secrets. You are not doing this alone. Your body is aware of what you are doing and the biggest part that is aware is Innate. That is the secret of what’s next for the New Human. You are so much bigger than you think.
Kryon describes the seats in the theater filling up with the pieces and parts of your body that you are in charge of. Innate is there listening intently to everything you are saying. Innate sits in every chair with every cell. Innate is not one thing but many things. Innate is you, it is the control panel. All the cells of your body, your organs, every piece of you is in the chairs all around you. Kryon guides us in giving instructions to the cells.
Dr. Frank Springob Chiropractic Physician and Co-developer of the Morphogenic Field Technique
Monika talks about the Australian bush and introducing Lee to the wilderness area of Cradle Mountain in Tasmania. Lee describes his experience in the forest and seeing the elementals for the first time. Lee and Monika also discuss their adventures in New Zealand, including glow worms and a theatre cat.
The Majesty of Consciousness
Spirit knows you and sees your intent to connect with Spirit. Can you really heal your body and be an atheist? The answer is yes because consciousness heals. We didn’t say consciousness plus a doctrine heals. Consciousness heals and that is universal. There are those who only want to work with their own consciousness and cellular structure. Kryon gives the metaphor of a 747 airplane that, without the spiritual component, simply goes up and down the runway. You have free choice of what you believe, how you believe, and how strongly you believe. The Creator loves you regardless. The Circle of Twelve always starts with you crossing a bridge. It represents going from linearity to the unknown. The bridge and chasm change shape and it represents a crossing that is personal. It’s a symbol and sign of how you work with yourself into the unknown. The mist represents the final step, and you are asked not to go through it unless you mean it. You go through to the multidimensional part of you. The way it works in multidimensionality is that you are in two places at the same time. All things are possible because consciousness is king and the love of God is there.
The audience of the theater is made up of your cellular structure as Kryon says it is a day of healing. A healing for what bothers you, for what your cells need, a healing of any kind. Unlike an Akashic healing this is for you right now. Your Higher Self is sitting in the chair with you and says, “Greetings, dear one, what is today that I can help you with?” Kryon asks you to start your list and sit in the chair as long as you want.
Ian White Australian Herbalist and Founder of Australian Bush Flower Essences
Monika discusses Lee’s former career as an audio engineer. Lee describes some of his experiences in the recording studio and how it was the first time he saw channelling.
The Resonance of Consciousness
The subject of the day is music, sound, and resonance. Music and sound pass through the veil. Most of you know about resonance. Resonance is when a sound you make causes another source to respond and vibrate at a similar frequency. Kryon discusses the resonance that occurs while singing in the shower. Kryon then talks about the masters who made violins having the knowledge and secrets of resonance. Do you think consciousness has vibration? Oh, yes it does. Everything vibrates. Does light have vibration? Yes. Medical scientists discovered that when certain overtones were created together, molecules would vibrate. One discovery, using a special microscope and device, found that certain frequencies would shatter disease. They could tune the special device to destroy disease. Kryon explains that there is coherence between vibrations of sound, music, your thoughts, and consciousness. Your consciousness can resonate with anything in your body, and it can create miracles.
Kryon asks you to sit in the chair and practice resonance. The resonance that you practice is to sit and realize that the audience fills with every single cell of your body. Trillions of cells are in the audience and they are listening. Kryon asks if you would like to sing a song to them and explains that your consciousness can sing a song of love to every cell in your body. You are the boss of all your cells. Sing or hum a song with your cells so that you are in resonance and coherence.
Johnathon Goldman
Sound Healing
Monika and Lee talk about the different kinds of healing and the healers presented on Healing Wednesday.
Lee discusses his adventures with composer and musician Robert Coxon when they visited the Louvre Museum in France. They were in the Egyptian exhibition and Robert explained that the sarcophagus are tuned to A440. Lee and Monika discuss resonance and vibration in relation to Egyptian architecture.
The Complexity of Your Soul
The evolution of Human Beings is that you are having a higher-consciousness awareness. Kryon explains the multidimensionality of your soul. Kryon then gives a metaphor where your Soul is a bubble and it contains all of you. Along comes another soul and wants to share your journey. You are simply two bubbles in a bigger bubble. That’s soul sharing. When you leave Earth (make your transition), part of you stays with your loved ones. You have access to the ones you’ve loved and lost. They are riding in a big bubble with you.
Kryon explains that the chair is there for your relaxation. Kryon also mentions royalty sitting down and others will stand. That is the situation of honoring for you as you sit in the chair. Kryon says in this particular exercise the seats of the stadium fill with whoever you think is part of your soul. Who is sharing your soul? The information was given in the previous Kryon channel about the complexity of your soul. Kryon asks you to go beyond the stadium and into space and all around you are stars.
Isabelle Benarous
Lee and Monika talk about unexpected things including Lee’s dramatic entrance within a salt mine in Germany when he accidentally tripped and crashed into a gong backstage. Another unexpected thing involved Marilyn Harper being introduced to the Minister of Tourism and Antiquities of Egypt while she was channelling Adironnda on the steps to the Temple of Luxor.
What is High Technology?
You live in four dimensions, but reality is really hundreds of dimensions. Even science has seen there are more than four dimensions. Some of you believe or remember a past life in a society with high technology. You also have a perception of being helped by new inventions and new technology. Kryon gives an example of a society that has high consciousness, not high technology. This planet is headed to a higher consciousness. What if the future high technology is you?
Kryon says that in this multidimensional place something is going to step out of you and talk to you and talk to those in the seats. It’s your Innate which is part of your soul energy and also controls your body and knows you more than any part of your body, even more than the triad of the pineal, heart, and brain. Your Innate steps out of your body and talks to all those in the seats who are physicians and medical doctors. Innate makes statements about your magnificence and that any disease in your body is to be gone. All those in the seats cheer. Innate asks you to tell any disease you have to leave.
Jenny Johnson Quantum EFT and Mining the Akash
Lee and Monika talk about their experience in the Kings Chamber in Egypt and the discovery of a note from Gregg Braden.
What’s Your Painting Look Like?
Kryon asks, “What kind of an artist are you?” This is a metaphor. The premise is that everything has vibration. Your story, your emotions, all that you believe and do in your life is a vibration. It’s like a canvas and a brush where you paint an attitude and a belief. How you approach life and your attitude is your vibration that others can see and feel. What do you portray to others? Is it uplifting, healing, and joyful? Do you laugh a lot? Do you show others that you have something inside that is worth knowing about? Those around you will see it.
Kryon describes the seats in the audience being filled by all those who ever were on this planet. You see the angels appear standing in the aisle, you see your relatives, your friends, and you see those still living sitting in the chairs smiling and understanding. It’s like a part of their soul (that is apart from them) is sitting there waiting and nodding and smiling. There is a feeling of appreciation and the word for the day is acceptance. Acceptance from God, the universe, friends, family, teachers, and from all that is. You are fully known and accepted by all.
Dr. Bradley Nelson
Energy Medicine & author of The Emotion Code
Lee and Monika discuss meeting His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Lee and Monika then talk about those who might fall asleep during a Kryon channel and the distinction as to why Kryon wants you to be awake and fully aware in the Circle of Twelve experience. Lee gives some tips on how you can stay awake.
New Healing Paradigm
Kryon gives a message about the new paradigm of healing. One of the issues you all have is how you have been trained to believe. Even the Old Soul is involved in this attribute. When it comes to healing, how have you been trained? The training goes like this: “I don’t do the healing; God does.” “Let go and let God.” The training has you handing over the power to God. Kryon then talks about the Healing Circle of Twelve where you are introduced to a multidimensional attribute of possibilities. That goes against your training where things are only real that you can see and touch. Are you willing to receive something different? Healing is a 24/7 participatory event. You must participate all the time. You cannot hand it off anymore. You are moving into another cycle of power, beauty, and realization. That is why the modality of Kryon is changing.
Kryon says you will see thousands sitting in the chairs around you. It’s no longer a theater but a stadium. In a multidimensional space things change quickly and radically and can be many things. In those chairs is you. It’s your cells, every piece of DNA, every strand of DNA and the trillions of pieces and parts of you are sitting there watching you. It’s your psyche, your consciousness, your brain, your organs, all of it is you, sitting there ready for your instructions. Kryon says the instruction is that whatever is tasking you today, whether it’s disease, fear, abandonment, or anything that keeps you from your majesty now is the time to identify it, and if there is a part on your body you touch it and capture the fear and throw it away.
Rosemary Altea Medium & Healer
Monika gives more tips on how to stay awake during the Circle of Twelve experience. Lee and Monika share some of their more profound experiences that took place during the Kryon Shamanic Journey in Peru with Q’ero Shaman Nicolas Paucarr. They describe an initiation where they faced the fear of invisibility.
Stewarding Your Healing
Kryon explains that, when you give intent for healing, your body creates a cooperative energy to heal. However, you must continue the process of your healing by participating in the event. You are the steward of your own process. You are the one talking to your cells and there has to be a consistency all the time. You have to be consistent and say every day what you are doing. You are used to the approach of being given medicine and then told how long you take it. Instead, you are being asked to carry your intent every day of your life.
Kryon says today is different and that today is going to be an educational day, a metaphoric education. The souls that sit in the chairs around you represent all of those you have met and interfaced with all your life. They are there in a multidimensional way. The movie of your life is played on a screen and everyone is watching what you have gone through. They all know you and accept who you are because you are just like them. The healing occurs with the acceptance of you. Accepting you for who you are at a cellular level.
Shannon Kaiser Life Coach & Inspirational author and speaker
Monika and Lee acknowledge the passing of Dr. William Maykel, who was scheduled for Healing Wednesday on November 25, and thank those who joined the silent meditation. They share information about his work and their connection with him. Lee and Monika talk about the violet flame of St. Germain. Lee shares his personal experience of healing with the St. Germain and the violet flame and the guidance he received from Jan Tober during this process.
The Relationship to the Soul
Kryon gives a channel about the relationship with your soul. The relationship to the soul is starting to shift and change. Kryon mentions that there has to be something to encourage you to look. Is it possible your soul is here with you all the time? What if your soul has answers to every problem you have, including your health? What if your soul was hooked to every other soul in the universe? Humans have perceptions where nothing is real unless they can see it and touch it. These are the ones who say there is no soul. Kryon speaks of those who convert from one religion to another and explains that they are being converted because they touched something they never touched before. The primary energy of the soul is love, and every religion has love at its core. Welcome to communication with the soul. It’s all hooked to love.
Kryon mentions that in certain cases the audience comes in and other times they are already there. This time it is different as Kryon says the audience is an extension of next week. Next week requires not only your permission but your full understanding of what is going on with the Circle of Twelve. The audience starts to come and you may not recognize them all but some of them you recognize. Kryon mentions that at a soul level you are connected with everyone joining the Circle of Twelve. Kryon says you are all here together and that is who is filing into the audience now because of what will be happening next week. Kryon asks you to feel the family. You can all help each other in the Circle of Twelve family in a way you never thought of.
Dr. Fabian Brotos
Dental Decoding
Lee and Monika discuss that the music played during the Circle of Twelve is production music that is not available commercially but is available in your members portal. Lee and Monika talk about their experience visiting Iguazu Falls in Brazil and Argentina.
Perceptions of Change
Kryon gives a story and titles it, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” It’s about perceptions. The story is about insects in insect heaven. There are a group of insects that all came from a park in New York City. They talk about their lifespan and how they all lived about the same age. Each insect had a different perception of their life, and so they decided to ask Queen T. Queen T lived up to 200 times longer than they did. They asked why they had such different perspectives. She answered that they were born, existed, and died in one cycle of many. They have different experiences and their perception was tempered by the season they lived in. Dear Human Being, you are in a cycle. You are in the beginning of a cycle called the winter of spirituality. You’ve never experienced anything but the energy you have been born into and now you start another cycle. You have begun a cycle of awakening that brings knowledge and abilities you never thought you could have.
Kryon asks you to sit in the chair and relax as all of those around you come up one by one to wash your feet. Even the cells of your body are in your seats. No matter how many, or who is in the seats your cells are always there as well. This is the first time Kryon says that you can have multiples in the seats. Your cells are multidimensional and has been waiting for your consciousness to say hello. The visualization that Kryon gives during this holiday time of family to see your biological family and your biological lineage of parents, grandparents, great grandparents, great, great grandparents. It also includes your children’s children and their children. Your lineage in the future and past are all in the seats around you. They all want to touch you and thank you. They have a message for you, “Be Healed!”
Eileen McKusick Biofield Tuning
Lee and Monika talk about the rescue of the 33 Miners in Chile. They share their experiences of visiting the mine in 2012 and 2013 during the Kryon Kundalini Tour and the surprise greeting by four of the thirty-three miners. This rescue was a significant event on the planet filled with compassion, joy, and celebration.
The Four Faces of Fear - Survival
Kryon presents a series of four channels called The Four Faces of Fear. Kryon specifically uses the word face because it’s a metaphor. You recognize a face and every face is changeable. Kryon gives a statement that the opposite of healing is fear. If you are fearful, it creates a barrier to good health and healing. True healing is done with consciousness. Your consciousness has to agree with your body, and if you are afraid it stops it all. You are born with fears that accompany survival. These are basic survival instincts. Kryon then talks about solutions and that the programs you have can be rewritten. Can you create something that says, “I’m magnificent and nothing that is fearful can affect me. I’m rewriting my fears because of my magnificence.”? If so, you are rewriting the inappropriate things in your life. That’s just the beginning of what you can do.
Kryon says that this particular Healing Session is for those of you who have a disease. Kryon mentions that there are thousands watching this program. Each one of you is in two places. Each of you is the chair on the stage but you are also in the audience because the audience is the listenership, even if it’s a replay it is all happening now because multidimensionality does not have a time stamp. Every single person is going to help you with your disease. All of you are involved in helping all of you.
Dr. Norm Sealy Founder of Holistic Medicine Concept
Monika and Lee continue sharing their experiences of visiting India. They met Chokyong Palga Rinpoche, who is a Tibetan Buddhist. The Tibetan word Rinpoche means “precious one” and in most cases, the title is bestowed upon one who has been recognized as the reincarnation of a great teacher.
The Four Faces of Fear 2
- Fear of Enlightenment
Kryon presents a series of four channels called The Four Faces of Fear. This channel is about the Fear of Enlightenment. Old Souls have graduated into wisdom. In an old energy you were persecuted for awakening. If you questioned anything of what you were told spiritually things did not go well for you. Kryon talks about the closet lightworkers where the fear of enlightenment keeps them from information, such as what is given in this channel. Fear of enlightenment even keeps those who are aware away from the Circle of Twelve. You go into the mist, but no further, or you fall asleep. This is your body saying, “I’ve been there so I will sleep through it.” This is why Kryon says that at the moment you go across the bridge to stay awake. Give affirmations to say it is safe. Fear of enlightenment will keep people from experiencing the beauty of who they are. How do you get out of that fear? Kryon gives a statement you can say: “All of these memories are gone. They are not pertinent for today. They are not magnificent for me today so they will no longer control my life.” That’s the power of the Old Soul.
Kryon tells us that as we sit in the chair the audience is filled with faces that we don’t know but they are all smiling. It’s as though they have been waiting a long time and can hardly keep from applauding as you sit down. You are a celebrity to them. The audience is not the cells of your body. This is universal. In those seats are the representative of societies in this galaxy. They are going to help you. They are humming and there is a beautiful hum. They start singing a song of love to you that is from the Creator and then they stop. Then they ask you to sing the song back.
Marilyn Harper Holographic Healing
Monika mentions the Kryon Circle of Twelve facebook group and shares two posts from that group. The first post was from Laura and her experience of intense dreams following the Circle of Twelve. Lee provides comments and insights about intense dreams. The second post was from Wendy and it was related to inner child work with an energy healer. Lee provides insights on Wendy’s inner child experience and how joy, laughter, and the inner child is the secret to eliminating fear. Lee shares a personal story of his own inner child experience.
The Four Faces of Fear 3
- Fears You Create
Kryon presents a series of four channels called The Four Faces of Fear. Kryon gives the third face of fear and reiterates that fear stops healing. Many are trying to eliminate fear. The solution to get out of fear is to recognize what the fear is, and why it exists. Once you shine light on what you are afraid of it’s far easier to decide if you want to continue to be afraid. You have to cognize why the fear is there, and if you should be afraid, or is it a paper tiger. It’s you seeing what’s there that starts to dismiss. The third set of fears is what you create in real time. You cognize things as fearful. They represent most of the fears you have. These real-time fears are self-imposed. You decide that it’s a fearful thing. Kryon describes the role of the media in creating fear. Some spiritual leaders also create fear. All of these fears are rewritable. Are you afraid of your future? These are emotions you have created. You have the ability to rewrite your fears and move into a future that is safe because of your magnificence.
Kryon describes that when the audience files in there is not that many of them this time. The holidays are finished and the New Year begins. Kryon wants to review how your holiday went. Those who are interested in this truth are often the black sheep of the family. When you decided to become introspective to your own soul energy you often stepped away from those around you, especially family. Your family arrives to sit in the seats around you. The ones you love in certain ways, and don’t care for in others. The ones who disowned you, and the ones who make fun of you are there. They don’t sit in front of you as the Humans that you know. They sit in front of you as the soul energies you know they have. Kryon says you are going to talk with each one soul to soul. You tell each other how much you love each other and you say the words of forgiveness and they tell you that as Humans hidden from their grandness they acted certain ways but they know better. Soul to soul you hug each other.
Duccio Locati Psych-K Instructor
Monika and Lee discuss healing and the concept of balancing as opposed to healing. Monika shares questions from the Kryon Circle of Twelve facebook group. Philip was asking what is the difference in consciousness between the Circle of Twelve meditation compared to the dreamtime consciousness. Beth mentioned she was feeling emotional and crying during the Circle of Twelve and a lot of people shared they have been feeling heightened emotions and sensitivities. Neta was asking about the meaning of the chair in the Circle of Twelve.
The Four Faces of Fear 4
- Fears from Past Lives
Kryon presents a series of four channels called The Four Faces of Fear. Your chemical inheritance comes from your biological family and ancestors. You are a combination of all your ancestors and you carry the issues that had the most influence. Here is the controversy. Fears from your past lives and ancestors are carried into your psyche today. These are influences from the past. However, every imprint based on your ancestry, past lives or chemistry is rewritable. Kryon then discusses mining the Akash and gives the example of Lee who was afraid of public speaking and went into his past life as an orator in Greece to bring forward the ability to speak in public. Your awakening to these truths means that in your next incarnation your awakening stays with you. Do not fear the past as it has no control over you.
Kryon reminds us that thousands are participating in this Circle of Twelve experience. You are a family of thousands and each of you sits in the audience and yet you sit in the chair in the center of the stage at the same time because you are multidimensional. Kryon gives us a visualization and asks us to see every member light a candle for the one sitting in the chair. The symbolism is that you are each other’s light. In the chair on the stage light your own candle and it’s saying to the others that you are also with them. You are the light of the Earth.
Jillian Fleer
The Reconnection Reconnective Healing
Lee and Monika answer questions: Aidan from England asks: When I meditate, and particularly during Kryon’s meditations during the Healing Wednesday program, I attain a lovely, deep peace. How can I easily get this connection without meditation?
Harry from the Netherlands asks:
Is there an agenda to enslave the People?
The Four Facets of Compassion 1
- Compassion for Others
Kryon presents a series of four channels called The Four Facets of Compassion. There are many kinds of compassion. Love and compassion are the elements of God. Kryon gives a definition of compassion as the connection with Spirit that gives you open-heartedness, mature benevolence, and a full understanding of all that is around you. The most common compassion is compassion for others. Compassion is the catalyst for everything. Compassion for others is not pity or feeling sorry for others. It’s about holding them and loving them so much that they feel from you something that comes from the other side of the veil. As a lightworker you can send compassion to others and they will feel it. Compassion for others is the true job of lightworkers. Love is always the answer.
Kryon does an exercise in compassion. The family before you is everyone who is watching this program now and in the future and all of your relatives and it includes their past lives. The number in the audience is enormous. Kryon asks you all to have compassion for one another right now for this time on Earth as there are changes coming that will affect the light and dark balance of everything you thought you knew. This planet needs to be hugged to get through it. Hug one another together as a family. You are hugging one another in a way where all you see is oneness.
Dee Wallace Actress, Speaker, Teacher, Radio Show Host, and Author
Lee and Monika answer questions: Tania from Sydney, Australia asks:
Will we be able to physically heal one another if we continue to be in the Circle of Twelve? Helene from Ontario, Canada asks:
Kryon, you say we can heal ourselves with intention, yet Lee is presenting many types of healers. I am confused. Can we not heal ourselves without therapists?
The Four Facets of Compassion 2
- Compassion for the Plan
Kryon presents a series of four channels called The Four Facets of Compassion. Kryon defines compassion as a connection to Spirit that would allow for open-heartedness, a mature benevolence, and an understanding of all that is before you. Kryon explains what compassion for the Plan might look like. When you are at a funeral or memorial can you get compassionate and openhearted with a perception that you see that loved one returning rejuvenated, looking young and happy, and them looking at you and saying, “Thank you, for seeing the plan and not just the sorrow of one life.”? That’s just one aspect of compassion for the Plan. The Plan is starting to work (of creating an ascended planet). Kryon mentions that all the ugly stuff you are now seeing has always been there but now it’s being exposed so you can clean it up. Suddenly there is responsibility and the Plan is starting to work. You are creating a better Earth. Instead of viewing things as falling apart Kryon asks us to see it as things being revealed so that we can resolve them.
Kryon mentions that the audience is already seated, and some are still coming in as they are all so excited to be at this event. This is where you come together with the family, a multidimensional soul family. Some of those who have passed over in your life are now there in the audience, looking just like they did when they were alive. Kryon says that what is happening is an extension of the previous channel. All of you together as family are going to celebrate and be compassionate for one another with the Plan. Every single one of your family members are in front of you and together you are going to celebrate the Plan that is starting to work on this Earth and the compassion you have for those who have walked through it. Feel the compassion as you celebrate the plan with everyone.
Lee and Monika answer questions: Two similar questions were from Christina from New Brunswick, Canada, and Mel from Vancouver, Canada.
They both experienced a very powerful, peaceful, and loving Circle of 12 meditation but they are no longer able to feel that same profound experience. Can you explain what is going on?
Kristina from Ottawa, Canada had an incredible love wash experience, similar to Lee’s first meeting with Kryon. It happened 20 years ago, just that one time. She wants to know how she can have that experience again as she is so willing, waiting, and ready for it.
Jeanne from Massachusetts, USA is asking if you can provide some advice for those of us struggling to cross the bridge and move through the mist? Kryon has mentioned fear playing a part so I wanted to ask if there was something more specific on our part we can do to help us through.
Ida from Connecticut, USA says that Kryon talks about Fear preventing Healing. I am also struggling with Doubt even though I am able to go to the multidimensional state (it feels as I am everywhere and it’s amazing ) every day, and I believe in my Healing there. But then in 4D the doubt comes back. Is it because we are not yet able to feel/believe the experience is actually REAL vs the 4D state?
The Four Facets of Compassion 3
- Compassion for Yourself
Kryon presents a series of four channels called The Four Facets of Compassion. This third facet of compassion is catalytic and it is the Compassion for Yourself. Kryon again defines compassion as the connection with the mind of Spirit/God/the Creative Source, which allows a meld to occur that gives you the energy of mature benevolence, open heartedness, and an understanding of what is around you. Can you have compassion for yourself? Connecting with the mind of God and seeing what you have been through and survived allows you to pass from being a victim to being a victor. When you have compassion for yourself the healing begins.
Kryon explains that the audience is already there and they are always family. On the other side of the veil you know them and they know you. When you take your last breath there are tens of thousands that know you and welcome you. As you sit in the chair all those around you look at you and they are going to have compassion for you. This is about compassion for self. All those in the audience focus on your compassion for you. They surround you with hugs of love. Celebrate and be compassionate for that which is your soul and all you are going through. When you can be compassionate for yourself all the inappropriate things go away and all that is left is the love of Spirit and the family for you. Let compassion be yours.
Terri Cochrane The Cochrane Method
Lee and Monika answer questions: Three questions that are all related:
Duane from Idaho, USA:
I have a condition that prohibits me from visualizing or envisioning in my mind. I feel that it is important for me to find an alternative method to help me be successful or satisfied with these weekly healing channeling sessions. My question is what can I or what should I be doing as an alternative in these channellings for me to achieve what Kryon is teaching us to acquire higher consciousness? Alberto from Spain:
I am not able to visualize (see) anything: The bridge, mist, theater, People, faces. Is it a matter of time? Is there a way to improve?
Keith from Ohio:
For many years Visualizing during meditation has been a problem (not just circle of 12), any suggestions for improving this process? Next question: Carole from Ontario, Canada:
The last time I did the circle of 12 meditation I saw a door and then I saw it close. What advice could you give me to help me move forward?
The Four Facets of Compassion 4 (Compassionate Action)
Kryon presents a series of four channels called The Four Facets of Compassion. Kryon again gives the definition of compassion as the connection with God/Spirit/Creator which allows you to meld with the energy of open-heartedness, mature benevolence, and understanding of everything that is. The fourth facet of compassion is Compassionate Action.
When you have compassion for (1) Others, (2) the Plan, (3) Yourself it is a catalyst that may bring compassionate action. What if there were two parts to all compassion? The first part is understanding and realization, while the second part is when you do something. Kryon gives an example of compassionate action. Can compassionate action also be giving thanks? Yes. Kryon gives an example of giving thanks to Spirit for putting things in your path that made you look at a bigger truth.
The Four Facets of Compassion 4 (Compassionate Action)
Kryon presents a series of four channels called The Four Facets of Compassion. Kryon again gives the definition of compassion as the connection with God/Spirit/Creator which allows you to meld with the energy of open-heartedness, mature benevolence, and understanding of everything that is. The fourth facet of compassion is Compassionate Action.
When you have compassion for (1) Others, (2) the Plan, (3) Yourself it is a catalyst that may bring compassionate action. What if there were two parts to all compassion? The first part is understanding and realization, while the second part is when you do something. Kryon gives an example of compassionate action. Can compassionate action also be giving thanks? Yes. Kryon gives an example of giving thanks to Spirit for putting things in your path that made you look at a bigger truth.
Frans Steine Author and
Co-founder of International House of Reiki
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Two similar questions…
Helena from Jakarta, Indonesia:
I have given instruction to my cells to slow the ageing process. Should I repeat this again after a period of time for say a year or is once enough?
Patricia from Georgia, USA:
Kryon says to talk to the cells and give them instructions. Why does he say to do this every day? Why isn't once or twice enough to get the message across?
Mario from Honduras (in our Spanish circle): How can I extract the magnificent, joyful, and empowered experiences of my life and of all that I have come to be?
The Four Catalysts for Healing 1
(Cellular Communication)
Kryon presents a series of four channels on the catalysts for healing. The first is the power of your words. You can create peace in your body and you can live longer if you talk to your cells. Kryon gives a parable of Wo. Wo is a sailor and lives below decks. One day the ship tells Wo to get above decks. Wo goes above, looks for the captain, but there is no one there. He sees the ship is headed for the rocks. Wo ran to the wheel and turned the ship. Finally there is someone at the helm. Wo discovered no one had ever been at the helm and now he will never go below decks. The ship is your body and chemistry in this parable. You are in charge of your body. Your words are so important.
The audience comes in and every member that sits in the audience are the ones who have changed their chemistry. They have healed themselves, dropped fears and there are tens of thousands of them in the audience. They are sitting in the audience looking at you because that is what you are going to do. It’s time to talk to your cells. What are you going to say? Why not say this, “Dear cellular structure, I’m here to take the wheel of my ship.” That audience supports you and yells suggestions to you and they are in love with you as you are endeavoring to do what they have done. Some may come on stage and talk to you about how they speak to their cells. You’ve got support. Others have done it and they are here to help you. Sit and experience them showing you how to discover your own magnificence.
Dr. Sue Morter Master of Bio-Energetic Theory, and Quantum Field Visionary
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Two similar questions…
Beatriz from Canary Islands: There are moments after the Circle of Twelve where I feel worse. All my ghosts appear, old patterns, fears, anxieties. Why would this happen?
Begoña from Madrid, Spain: Since I started with the Circle of Twelve in September, on an emotional level I have been very excited, but there are still unpleasant events in my life, minor illnesses, and family problems. Is this normal?
Question from Jane, Queensland, Australia:
I have been experiencing deep fear, dread even moments of terror. I recognize it is not ‘new’ fear but rather has been sitting in the background all my life. It is no longer in the background, no longer hidden. I have become afraid of the fear itself. Can you offer Guidance on what to ‘do’ to help with understanding and dissolving the intensity?
The Four Catalysts for Healing 2
(Inner Child)
Kryon presents a series of four channels on the catalysts for healing. The first catalyst are the words you speak. What you say can affect your chemistry. The second catalyst is to find your Inner Child. As a child you didn’t worry. The biggest concern was about how long you could play. If you can rekindle that inner child it’s a catalyst for healing. There are some who will say they can’t remember good inner child experiences. Kryon gives an esoteric concept. Pull upon the life of a wonderful childhood from your past life. The inner child is joyful with all you look at. The peacefulness of the inner child is a catalyst for healing.
The audience is going to help you in a special way. You are sitting in the chair along with all the yous that you have ever been. The previous channel was about the inner child and your childhood. The light that you are and that is around you is in the chair with you. In the audience today are children. They are all children and they are all quiet as they have an advanced consciousness. They are there to hold your hand, laugh with joy with you, in order to gain the Inner Child consciousness which will bring you to a place of healing. Will you allow this?
Ian White Australian Herbalist and Founder of Australian Bush Flower Essences
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Donna from Ontario, Canada:
Is watching murder mysteries feeding into fear similar to watching the news?
Kim from Belgium:
Can kids also benefit from the healing sessions of Kryon?
Maria from Santiago, Chile:
How can we understand easily the concept of no time and the fact that everything happens at the same time (past, present, future and different lives as well)?
The Four Catalysts for Healing 3
Kryon presents a series of four channels on the catalysts for healing. The first catalyst are the words you speak. What you say can affect your chemistry. The second catalyst is to find your Inner Child. The third catalyst is also changing your chemistry, but through a completely perception. It’s through laughter. Laughter is infectious. If you laugh your chemistry starts to change. Laughter is the third catalyst for healing. Why not laugh on a regular basis?
Those in the audience are people just like you. Some of you might feel better if you knew who those people were because some people get stage fright. This time there is no chair on the stage for you to sit in. This time you are going to stand and introduce yourself to an audience you don’t know but they came to see you. Kryon tells you that the reason they came to see you is because you are the best comedian they have ever heard. No matter what you do or say it is met with uproarious laughter and the audience claps and are crying with laughter. Have you ever been in a situation where you told a wonderful joke and everyone laughed? Think of yourself as the center of laughter. The audience is joyful of who you are. There is such acceptance of you. This paves the healing you came for. When they laugh and you laugh everything changes in your body. Claim it.
Peter Schenk Modern Day Mystic Founder
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Kryon often speaks of the Family and references family connection as a comparison to love from Source. For those of us who do not have human family connections and have experienced rejection from our birth families, how can we connect to the feeling of Family?
In Wednesday night's Circle of Twelve, our immediate family WAS the audience. For me this is not a comforting thought. In fact, I find it deeply disturbing. Bringing my mother into my beloved Circle of Twelve, which is a sacred place of safety for me, felt and feels VERY distressing. I had to work very hard to regain my balance and feeling of well-being. I would dearly love to have some resolution.
The Four Catalysts for Healing 4
Kryon presents a series of four channels on the catalysts for healing. Kryon reviews the other three catalysts. (1) Cellular communication. The chemistry of your body reacts to consciousness. As you speak to your cells there is an alliance that allows for healing. (2) Inner Child. Go to that place where you had no worries as a child and bring that forward. (3) Laughter. When you laugh all fear and anxiety go away. This last catalyst may seem the most simple, but it may be the hardest to achieve. The fourth catalyst is peace. Can you sit and be peaceful? When you can find the peace that surpasses understanding, that attitude will bring you answers and healing.
Kryon describes that the theater this time is large. There are those in the audience who are waiting for you. All of them in this audience have a specialty and are ready for you. Look at the stage because it’s different. There isn’t one chair, there are twelve of them. Let this particular experience be one of the most profound. Take your seat in any of the twelve chairs, which are in a circle. See in your mind yourself and out of the audience 11 Humans (men and women) come to the stage. Those 11 are the greatest masters that ever lived on the planet and they are going to join you. They are aware of thee magnificence of the soul and that your soul is as grand as theirs. They are all masters of peace. All twelve in the circle close your eyes and the audience hums. You all hold hands and everything that ever bothered you falls to the floor.
Debora Wayne Founder and CEO of The International Chronic Pain Institute
Three similar questions…
Ulf Roger from Sweden:
I have been listening to the Circle of 12 since the beginning but feel that I am not progressing at all with any kind of healing to the point of giving up. Any advice?
Sheweia from Texas, USA:
How do you keep from being discouraged when you intend to heal, and you just keep getting worse and worse?
Christine from Washington State, USA:
Some people report mystical experiences in the FB group and Kryon talks about how different the FEELING is on the other side of the mist; This is not occurring for me. I am starting to feel resistance to coming to the meditations as I am not able to feel different on the other side of the mist. What advice can you offer?
Four Spectacular Controversial Truths 1
(No Punishment)
Kryon presents a series of four messages on Spectacular Controversial Truths. For some the information is a review while for others it’s the first time they are hearing these truths. The first truth is this: the Creative Source of your soul, that you call God or Spirit, does not judge you and does not punish you. Many doctrines of the planet have a judging and punishing God. Humanity is then judged and sent to bad places unless you do certain kinds of things. There are ways of working with dark and light without punishing those who don’t do it right. Do you understand that God loves you so much that when you are given free choice you are not judged on your choice? Since 2012 you have made a spectacular choice to have the light (instead of darkness). There is no punishment (from God), only love and compassion.
The audience is already there and it is an audience that you have never met and represents cultures from all over the planet. In this multidimensional space of soul discovery you are meeting their soul parts so there are no differences in language and culture. All souls are identical with love and compassion at the center. You look at them and they look at you. There is a feeling of exuberance. The audience is electric with what’s coming. Kryon wants you to have a coherence with the souls of those people and with their countries and families. It’s a two-way feeling as they may want to have a healing as well. Sit in coherence with the planet. Think of everyone on the planet as one coherent group and you step into that group. Practice a coherence with everyone around you and you will find that you are dearly loved.
Lynne McTaggart Award-Winning Journalist, Researcher, and Author
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Many questions have been asking about what Kryon has to say about the COVID vaccine.
Four Spectacular Controversial Truths 2 (Galactic Family that Knows You)
Kryon presents a series of four messages on Spectacular Controversial Truths. The second controversial truth is that this galaxy of yours is teeming with life. Kryon is not referring to microbial life but those who are humanoid just like you. What makes this controversial is that they haven’t presented themselves to humanity. You haven’t seen the others from other planets yet but Kryon says that you have a galactic family that knows you are here. There is a galactic family you will meet someday. Why aren’t they here now? You’re too dangerous and any spacecraft that would attempt to land would be shot out of the sky. When they finally met you as the galactic family you will see compassion and love. Many of you have galactic past life experience. This galaxy is filled with benevolent family.
There is a very special audience today. The audience sits in the dark until the light comes on. The theatre becomes a stadium but it’s still intimate. The lights start to come on and they look much like you. But there are different groups with different sizes. Collectively they have a message. “We are your galactic family, we are real, and we have always been there from the moment life started on this planet, waiting for you to cross this bridge.” Your galactic family wants to sit with you for a while.
Tom T Moore Entertainment Industry CEO, Author, and Telepath
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Nicla from Italy:
My question is about Kahuna Kalei’iliahi. I still don’t understand why she had to die and leave us. If Kryon teaches us to talk to our cells to heal and be healthy, then I guess she did too. This thing leaves me perplexed and dismayed because if it didn’t work for her, how can it work for me?
Nina from Ecuador:
Does one need to speak affirmations aloud? I often find them running in my mind all day. Does this have the same effect?
Four Spectacular Controversial Truths 3 (Reincarnation)
Kryon presents a series of four messages on Spectacular Controversial Truths. The third spectacular truth is about the system of reincarnation. Reincarnation is the engine to consciousness advancement. The system of past lives gives you the ability to go through the school of Earth and get closer to the basic truth that you are a part of God. There are cycles of change to push you into a higher consciousness if you are ready. That is what 2020 is about. Your consciousness of what you believe affects others in ways you don’t know.
Kryon asks you to sit in the chair and says that there will be accolades tonight. Kryon sees the field and the potentials that you have created. There is a clearing coming, discovery, coming, because you passed the marker of 2012. Collective consciousness of humanity made a difference. Everyone in the audience is either you in a past life or a family member that you know and their past life. They are all in the audience. How does it feel to meet your own consciousness in a time of lower consciousness? As you sit in the chair the audience stands and there is a ripple of applause. You are standing in the new millennium but you wouldn’t have made it without all those past lives. You then stand and applause with everyone else. You are special. Welcome to a new planet.
Beáta Alföldi Shaman, Seer, Medicine Woman, and Sound Healer
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Catherine from France: We can listen to the replays whenever we want. Yet, as a new comer, for better understanding, are the Circle of Twelve meditations to be done in the order they were given or can we immerse into them no matter the order? Paul from Michigan, USA: If our soul is immortal (no beginning or end) what makes a soul an "OLD SOUL"? Aren't all souls OLD?
Roopa from the UK:
What does it mean when Kryon says ‘just sit and be loved’. How does one do that? And what does it mean to love yourself?
Four Spectacular Controversial Truths 4 (God Knows Your Name)
Kryon presents a series of four messages on Spectacular Controversial Truths. This fourth truth is simple. Here is the statement: You are known by God. Many doctrines of the planet teach that God is big and you are not (and that you are separate from God). Kryon gives another statement: The Creative Source which is God wants to be found. You and your life is part of a spiritual machine. Your purpose is to simply be. God Knows Your Name is the most spectacular truth I can give you.
Kryon asks everyone to join hands and cross the bridge. Groups in the audience and have lights shine on them. Groups in the audience will stand and the consciousness of who they are will resound and everyone will hear what they have to say. This is angel day and all those who will talk to you are not of your world. they come from beyond the veil. They are angelic. They are family. This represents the voice of the Creator. There is golden light and they shine like the sun, they have one message. Thank you for finding us because we have been wanting to be found. Another section stands in violet light. Thank you for finding us. Are you ready for your healing? Another light goes on and the groups seem endless. They all say your name and Thank you for finding them. Welcome to the rest of your life.
Clayten Stedmann and Jeffrey Stegman
Co-Founders, Focused Life-Force Energy
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Ana from London, UK:
Is there any explanation that as a healer I can help others and yet I still have my own health issues and other challenges in my life? Savannah from Denmark: Is it okay to use the meditation form with the visualization of the bridge and the mist in our own guided meditations with groups?
Christopher from France: How do we know during the Circle of 12 if we are actually on the process of healing? Should we feel something in the location of our illness?
Four Attributes of Awareness –
1 (Looking Around)
Kryon gives a series of four channels about humanity’s new frontier – the awakening into higher consciousness. There is a perception shift on the planet and it relates to the way you think. Human consciousness is starting to vibrate higher. Kryon discusses the attributes of the shifts in awareness. The first one is “looking around.” Kryon talks about the parable of Wo and the Room of Lesson as well as the main character within the book called, The Journey Home. Kryon closes by saying there are physicians good at saving lives and bringing them back from what you call clinically dead. The first thing the patient says is, “Why did you bring me back?” They saw something. A door started to open and they saw the light, they felt safe and unconditional love. There is an awakening awareness process happening around the planet.
Kryon asks you to sit in the chair and everyone around you can see you. Kryon says the Circle of Twelve is a toroid. You are sitting in a magnificent place. A light will be shown individually on groups. All of those in the audience are at least 800 years old. All of them are indigenous and they see you and want to talk to you. They give you a ceremony and welcomes you. The indigenous of the past have such honor for you because you are listening today to a bigger truth. This is the awareness frontier of the planet starting to occur one at a time.
Alberto Villoldo
Medical Anthropologist, Shaman, Healer
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Michele from Florida, USA:
Is it possible for outside energies to follow you past the mist? For the first time I felt something sinister slip thru with me. I felt I had to run to the stage door and shut it tight behind me. I was able to figure out what it symbolized and cleared it later that evening but I was surprised that going into my own soul could have someone/thing else present that felt unwanted. Sam from both California and Israel:
When I get into the deep meditation of the Circle of 12, and I start feeling the energies around my field, things start to get a little strange and uncomfortable because it's out of the normal that I'm used to. When I start feeling the energies are flowing in from "outside my Merkaba", I literally freak out. My first reaction is fear – it’s a fear I’ve never experienced before. I know the energies are from source but I’m so afraid of it. How can I overcome this fear?
Four Attributes of Awareness –
2 (Color is Coming)
Kryon gives a series of four channels about humanity’s new frontier – the awakening into higher consciousness. Kryon reviews when it was common in history to have a family gathering to watch a beheading which today is unconscionable. You have moved beyond that. What’s the next step? It is not another belief system. Instead, it’s a revelation of truth. Kryon gives a metaphor of moving from a world that only sees black and white into a world that sees color. This metaphor represents a new paradigm of truth. Kryon gives a story about the Middle East and talks about Israel and Palestine and “the situation.”. New solutions are coming that you never thought could happen. This is the second of four attributes of the new frontier that is coming. It’s a dramatic difference between what you’ve experienced to what is coming.
Those in the audience are master healers. They have come from all over and have come from many different times. They are from this planet as well as other planets. Each master healer stands up while you remain seated. They stand before you in honor of you. They know who you are. They are healers and each one of them stretches out their hands and sends healing energy to your body with their particular specialty of their healing. Some sing, some hum, and some sing your name. Bask in this moment.
Amy B Scher Energy Therapist, Mentor, and Author
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Similar questions:
Terry from Sun City, Arizona, USA:
I'm having trouble with the veil. I must be doing something wrong because I don't see one. I clearly see the other side and usually just run barefoot across the bridge. Help!
Juhi from New York, USA: Why don’t I see a mist on the bridge? In fact, recently the idea of an oval shaped portal that I step through resonated more than a bridge. Should I persist in visualizing especially the mist?
Beth from Connecticut, USA:
Is it okay to "break up" the watching of the weekly Circle of Twelve? Sometimes I don't always have a full hour and 40 minutes to sit at one time to participate. Is continuity lost when you do the first meditation and listen to the healer and then do the Circle of Twelve meditation later?
Four Attributes of Awareness –
3 (Getting Used To It)
Kryon gives a series of four channels about humanity’s new frontier – the awakening into higher consciousness. It’s a new frontier because consciousness awareness is moving in a way that you didn’t expect and faster than you expected. The new frontier is a new consciousness where Humans have an increased awareness of a greater truth. The first channel was about a Creator always there, and you are “looking” for the Creator. The second channel was an explanation of how your reality expands past beyond what you expect. This channel is about the new frontier of awareness where you are “getting used to” the new reality. Those who find a bigger truth will have the wisdom to show others the love of God that will create understanding.
This time there are very few in the theater. There is a core group who is expecting you. It is perhaps one of the most special core groups given because it’s personal. The group is small and far away and you pull your chair to the edge of the stage. You recognize the soul energy of a group of people. It’s not their consciousness, instead you see their soul consciousness. These are the ones who have turned their back on you and said goodbye because you are too strange. Every friend or family member that has ever turned their back on you. With one voice they give you information. They know what you know and are thanking you because you are going to change the world. Thank you for your forgiveness for who they are in Human form. Know that you are loved, there is a much bigger picture and they see it too.
Susun Weed Women’s Health Expert, Author, and Herbalist
Lee and Monika answer questions:
John from Southern Oregon, USA:
Is it okay to use a personal experience, for example a Native Sweat Lodge as a place and setting for the Circle of Twelve visualization?
Wendy from Cobble Hill, British Columbia, Canada: Lee, how long did it take for you to receive your validation from Spirit that what you are being told or shown by Spirit is real?
Four Attributes of Awareness –
4 (Integrate the New Truths)
Kryon gives a series of four channels about humanity’s new frontier – the awakening into higher consciousness. These four attributes of awareness are about awakening to a grander truth. The first three attributes were about the process of awakening. This attribute is about integrating the new truth. The integration has many facets. Consciousness changes reality. The indigenous knew this. They would come together and have ceremony, giving intent as a group. They understood there was an alliance with the planet and they got what they asked for. They weren’t asking they were creating. It’s time to invite ceremony into your life. Ceremony is a signal sent to your body and it’s an alliance with Gaia. Ceremony is an integration of a new truth. It’s an alliance with the Circle of Twelve.
Kryon echoes the channel given previously. The channel asked you to share the history and knowledge of the indigenous that came before you. They had ceremony that was profound and did something. They allied with two elements. All the indigenous of North America are before you. They have something to teach you. Your planet is the partner that is missing. Kryon does ceremony. The indigenous talk to you and welcomes you. The first thing in ceremony is to welcome the ancestors, all of them that came before you. The ancestors include you in your past lives. Next is to welcome all the energies of planet Earth for they are part of you and is the missing partner.
Amy Leigh Mercree Medical Intuitive and Wellness Expert
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Elsee from California, USA:
Lee, how do we know if the Circle of 12 experience is real?
Lisa from Missouri, USA:
Is it okay to let out negative feelings once in a while so long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else or should we keep them inside and just keep quiet?
Mary from Massachusetts, USA:
What would the “new normal” look like according to Kryon? Could you elaborate on this please? The term has been used a lot by different sources, such as, Kryon, Mass Media, and journalists.
Multidimensionality of the Field
Kryon gives a channel about the field and how those who are intuitive can sense things in the field. The field gives you potentials in a multidimensional way and what you sense is given in metaphors. Many errors occur in interpreting the potentials because the field is not linear. Kryon gives two examples. (1) Modern religions have interpreted the end of a cycle on the planet as the rapture where many people would disappear and peace on Earth would happen. What if the masters come back in a different way? (2) For years there have been predictions of a fail of the stock market in America. Kryon says it didn’t happen but what did happen was COVID. Things are not always what they seem. The field gives metaphors. Your future is different from anyone’s vision. It’s grand and beautiful. Be wise in these things when people give you predictions.
The lights come up in the audience and you don’t know them. Some are dressed oddly. There are iridescent colors. One stands up as a spokesman and they say this is your future as measured today by the field. The future contains the potentials that exist now. There is a male and female shamanic couple that say don’t fear for Gaia because the wise Human will have inventions that will clean the planet. Gaia will recover. There are inventions coming that will not pollute or use the planet’s resources. There is no more hunger in the future. Kryon continues giving various future potentials in the field filled with benevolence, love, and the new Human. There is a potential for your future.
Gregg Braden
Scientist and International Educator
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Angela from Belgium:
What is consciousness and is it located in the brain?
Rewriting Sacred Truths –
1 (Worthiness)
Kryon gives a series of three channels on Rewriting Sacred Truths. Kryon says there are actually four truths to rewrite but the first basic one is that God is not a Human. Doctrine has God as a dysfunctional father that will punish and torture you if you don’t the right thing. God is pure love and compassion. That is number one. The first of the three is the revelation of yourself. Rewriting Sacred Truth One is that you are born worthy. Kryon reviews a parable of a sightless man in a room. This is the metaphor of Earth. Suddenly a person sees a dim light to an elevator. The elevator allows all the other floors to be seen. As you look through the veil you see an awareness of light and that you are magnificent. This is the reality that is coming for you.
Today the chair has a spotlight from above. The light that is perfect shines on you. Are you ready for light in your life? Do you give permission to be enhanced? You have the ability. Energy is coming to you from the audience. You can call it the rainbow mist going through and around you. You are receiving the upgrade. When this reality of this meditation is done this upgrade stays with you as you are giving permission..
Evette Rose Author, Life Coach, Teacher, and Trauma Release Practitioner
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Verena from the UK:
How can I make my daily life at work a more joyful experience? I am a doctor in the NHS. For a while I have felt that practicing textbook medicine was dull and restrictive. We are a regulated community and our freedom is being crushed, now we are not even being able to express opinions . I don’t think leaving is the answer although I am tempted . Do I have to dream harder to even the path and make beautiful holistic , integrative medicine happen ? How do I make my dream/intent better and more effective? Does it take years to establish? Can it come faster?
Chantal from France
Kryon speaks about 4 levels of DNA : chemical, genetic, Akash and conscience. Is the Innate (smart body) part of these 4 or is it something else ?
Rewriting Sacred Truths –
2 (New Balance of Light)
Kryon gives a series of three channels on Rewriting Sacred Truths. As the veil lifts awareness is sharpened. Kryon reviews germ theory and how it was laughable when it was first presented. A whole generation of doctors had to rewrite something that they learned. Get ready to rewrite something that is sacred. Many have been told that you have to clear energies, be careful, and protect yourself. None of those things in this new energy are true. Your Merkabah is a sacred bubble and wherever you walk you push darkness away. There are no evil entities beyond the veil. There is evil on the planet created by the consciousness of Humans. If you’re used to clearing, let your own Merkabah clear as you walk forward. Wherever you go darkness cannot exist.
Kryon talks about meeting the pieces and parts of divinity that are you. This time you get on the stage and there is no chair. Instead of one set of stairs the entire stage has stairs all around it so that anyone can get on the stage. You are standing on that stage with your bubble of light. Those in the audience stand and you start to see them. You don’t recognize their faces but you recognize their energy. You are in a multidimensional place where things are not linear. Your bubble [referring to your Merkabah] is active and when it meets another bubble brighter than yours it shares itself with you. In the audience are the highest teachers and healers of the planet. They climb the stairs and stand next to you. Each of them has a bubble and some are so bright you can’t look at them. They gather around you and their bubble intersects with you and there is one enormous bubble of sacred energy. They are sharing everything they know.
Meir Schneider
Founder of the School for Self-Healing
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Beth from Fort Wayne, Indiana:
You’ve taught that Humans “see” angels the way they have been conditioned to see them. When Humans “see” their deceased loved ones, is it “real” or a creation of the mind? Do you have a way to “experience” those souls who have already passed over? #MissingThemGreatly
Adriana from Bogota, Colombia:
The protests of recent years in Latin America, today very active in Colombia, are they part of the evolution and change that the world is having? Or is it simply a reflection of the current and past consciousness of these countries? How to understand these protests?
Rewriting Sacred Truths –
3 (No Hierarchy)
Kryon gives a series of three channels on Rewriting Sacred Truths. The third sacred truth to rewrite is hard to understand and might be controversial because of what you’ve learned. Many spiritual systems have a hierarchy. There is no such thing as an Archangel. The Archangel is a myth. It’s simply an angel with a specific message. Humans have always had a hierarchy. There is no commander in charge with Spirit. The Creative Source of this universe is energy. It’s not a system. Love and compassion is not a system. There are so many sacred systems on this planet that have you climbing stairs, counting beads, and doing this and that so you can go to the next level. God sees you as perfect and magnificent right now.
There is an audience already seated. The stage does not have a chair. Instead, you are going to stand and receive. Those in the audience today are everyone, especially those who have had a very high vibration on this planet. When Kryon says everyone it’s because of an attribute where all souls exist in every soul. All souls are together in one soul. That is multidimensionality. In the audience is everyone, however, the ones closest to the stage are high vibration Humans that are on this planet, now and in the past, that have achieved awareness, perhaps even ascension. Stand on the stage with your hands outstretched, palms up, and get ready to receive. You are here to receive. The audience outstretch their hands and transmit to you “completeness.” Every cell in their body is more complete than yours. Stay and receive.
Paul and Holly Marwood
Akashic Record Teachers and co-founders of the Universal Sphere
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Supriya from Mumbai, India:
Some healers say imagine your body is already healed and feel the new you, feel that healed energy. That means this event has already happened. Kryon says keep talking to your cells, meaning it is a continuous action. Sometimes imagining you are already healed is tough, especially when a person may be in pain or illness and the pain is being felt very clearly. So do we imagine ourselves healed or do we keep telling our cells to heal? Garnet from Sedona, Arizona, USA What has Kryon said about monetizing gifts given by Spirit?
Four Practical Ordinary Things –
1 (Others Around You)
Kryon gives a series of three channels on Rewriting Sacred Truths. The third sacred truth to rewrite is hard to understand and might be controversial because of what you’ve learned. Many spiritual systems have a hierarchy. There is no such thing as an Archangel. The Archangel is a myth. It’s simply an angel with a specific message. Humans have always had a hierarchy. There is no commander in charge with Spirit. The Creative Source of this universe is energy. It’s not a system. Love and compassion is not a system. There are so many sacred systems on this planet that have you climbing stairs, counting beads, and doing this and that so you can go to the next level. God sees you as perfect and magnificent right now.
Kryon gives a series on Four Practical Ordinary Things. The first ordinary thing for Old Souls is about dealing with the consciousness around you. In the past you would remove yourself from those who gossip or hurt your heart. Don’t do that anymore. You exist for the remembrance of your Akash. You are here to mirror God. When others around you gossip don’t chime in or say anything. Instead, hold a positive attitude. Kryon asks us to integrate wisdom and compassion.
Suzanne Giesemann
Medium, Mystic, Spiritual Teacher, Afterlife Connections
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Jonas from Bavaria, Germany:
What is co-creating really about? And what’s the difference between co-creation and creating as it is commonly defined?
Kathy from Michigan, USA:
Sometimes when I go to bed at night I like to go into the circle of 12. Is it okay if I go right into the theater in the round? That is where I have the best ability to visualize.
Maria from Limmasol, Cyprus:
Sometimes in the evening before I fall asleep I pass through the bridge to the other side and when I do this I have very intense real like dreams like I live in a parallel world. Is this my imagination, my subconscious or is my experience real?
Four Practical Ordinary Things –
2 (Family)
Kryon gives a series on Four Practical Ordinary Things. These are lessons for how you deal with everyday life. The primary goal of a lightworker is to reflect the majesty of the Creative Source. You are here to reflect the face of God. This channel is about family and is the most difficult to deal with. You are dealing with two aspects. (1) Blood family and the relations you have. When you reincarnated they were not accidents. On the other side of the veil you agreed to come in with your parents. How do you react to them if you were abused? What wisdom do you show? (2) Family you choose. The ones you choose to be with. Kryon talks about dropping karma. If you don’t react to family who push your buttons, they stop pushing and at some level they start wondering about you. Light shows itself when you are peaceful. Kryon talks about relationships that have ended and asks how you treat that other person. Can you hold on to the benevolence for you and them? You are here to reflect the face of God and hold the wisdom of the Creator.
Kryon asks you to go into the future. As you look around you see millions around you and you’re not crowded. You are about to experience something just for you even though you have millions of people with you. Millions are altogether somehow like a giant zoom meeting and everyone is experiencing something unique. You sit and the audience can be your cells of your body or your relatives or they are the masters and you are sitting there working on yourself and everyone in the zoom meeting is doing the same. What if this is all humanity in the future? It’s a future without the kind of disease you have now, it’s a future without war and a future filled with benevolence. Stay and accept all these things. Welcome to the future and participate in it now.
Penelope Smith
Animal Communicator
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Carol from Western Australia:
Why do I weep sometimes just at the thought of Kryon or when I listen to him speak? Who is ‘he’?
Donna from Hayward, California, USA:
When we go across the bridge to the other side for the Circle of 12, do we bring back a part of it in our soul? I feel that some of it stays inside me when I return.
Nina from Ecuador:
When we invite the souls of our ancestors and those we have loved and lost to join us are they coming from where they now are in their reincarnated beings?
Four Practical Ordinary Things –
3 (Workplace)
Kryon gives a series on Four Practical Ordinary Things. It’s about lightworkers doing ordinary things every day and this particular channel is about going to work. As an old soul you are here to show those around you what it’s like to have wisdom, benevolence, and kindness. There are so many invested in being a victim. Kryon tells us that many times those in authority are not wise. There are bosses who are dysfunctional and enjoy being a bully. What can you do about bullies in the workplace? Here is the answer: don’t react. You simply look at them. If you have to react, react in a positive way. If you’re in a group of individuals with a boss that does this on a regular basis and suddenly you’re not reacting, others will come to you and ask what’s happened to you. You can tell them that you realize it’s the boss’ problem not yours. Why are you here? To reflect the face of the Creator. Hold the knowledge of your magnificence.
Kryon describes the color of the theatre in the round as being a little more green. The color green is synonymous with healing. You walk on the stage and today there is no chair, instead it is a massage table which you lay on. Visualize laying on the table. For those of you who do not have any issues you are to help others who do. Slowly coming out of the audience are entities that are specialists. You don’t know any of them. You might call them spiritual healing specialists. They specialize in removing inappropriate things from Humans. They come on stage to be around your table and ask, “Do you give permission to have these inappropriate things removed? Verbally, please, say yes or no.” They will start doing their work and you may even hear a hum. All manner of things are being pulled from you painlessly with songs of joy.
Tammy Mastroberte Author, Spiritual Teacher, Signs and Synchronicity
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Danielle from Singapore:
As a Reiki practitioner, how can we heal and help others without taking their karma?
Gordana from Germany:
How can we access and use abilities and skills from our Akash/from our previous lives in our present life?
Eloise from California, USA:
What part does sex play in the scheme of sexuality? Should I even ask this question? Many are embarrassed to talk about it in a spiritual way.
Four Practical Ordinary Things –
4 (Culture)
Kryon gives a series on Four Practical Ordinary Things. This message relates to culture and Kryon mentions that our society is filled with divisions in politics, race, and spirituality. There will always be others who will think differently. Can you have the face of the Creator and meet someone who does not agree with you and show them kindness? The more you can demonstrate kindness the more others can see it and know that it is possible. Easier said than done. That’s why you are the lightworker. Love conquers all. You can have a divisive opinion and still be kind to others. That’s the spiritual new normal.
Kryon says that in this meditation you are to simply sit and just “be.” As you sit in total and complete silence you will hear the answers to the questions you ask from the audience. Those in the audience are from the ages and from your own past lives. They know the answers to your questions. Some of you ask, “Why me?” And there is a beautiful answer. “Is there a reason for my being here? Is there a purpose to my life?” Ask these questions and the audience will give you answers. Kryon asks you to sit and asks questions. As you sit there is a healing energy starting to buzz as you get answers from the other side of the veil.
Charles Muir Pioneer of Modern Tantra Movement in the US.
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Cynthia from Virginia, USA:
With so many lightworkers gathered each Wednesday, the profound power of the group is palpable. Why doesn’t Kryon lead us through some specific compassionate group actions to catalyze global change?
Perusha from Pretoria, South Africa:
I used to be able to cross the bridge perfectly fine in many of the previous meditations. In recent weeks I see myself with a spider's web with big holes covering my face as I cross the bridge. Once I get to the other side, the web disappears. I'm not sure what to make of this and I'm hoping you will be able to answer my question or give me some guidance to remove this web off my face as I cross the bridge, please.
Lisa from Alabama, USA:
Is it possible to develop our own direct channeling that is personal to us?
Change Part 1 –
The New Cycle is Here
Kryon gives a series of four messages on change. Is it possible that this new energy on Earth might have been foretold by the ancients? Kryon refers to a western culture and a Christian doctrine that prophesized change. Kryon then talks about the Mayans and their ability to track cycles and how they observed the 26,000 cycle of the precession of the equinox. 2012 was the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one. The Mayan prophecy was about a change in Human consciousness. Kryon talks about information given to Lee from a Q’ero Shaman in Peru. The Shaman stated that there are levels of consciousness available to all humanity. There is a return to the wisdom of the ancestors. You are in a time of amazing change and you made it. There was no World War III. Are you still fearing old energy predictions? Are you aware you moved onto another track of reality? Change is difficult for some and not for others.
Kryon talks about angels and that you are going to meet an angel. What if you are made of Star Stuff? What if you were visited on purpose from those from the Stars? Kryon invites you into the Circle of Twelve and today there are two chairs on stage and there is no audience, but actually the audience is all of you participating in this experience. Kryon introduces you to an angel. There is an energy developing that is filled with beauty. Slowly you see the angelic being in the chair in front of you. That angel says, “Fear not, for I come to give you good tidings.” It’s a female angel. That angel is healing your body. This angel is from the Stars and gives you her history about a planet that went through war and then there was the shift. No one understood the shift as there was strife. I am your seed biology. I am a Star Mother.
Jefferey Allen Energy Healer
Lee and Monika answer questions:
William from Glasgow, Scotland:
In the Circle of Twelve who are all the ascended masters and what are their names? I only know two – Jesus and Ashtar to sit for healing with the twelve chairs.
Gail from Maine, USA:
Is it normal to feel that you have found love for yourself and source and feel the peace and then the next day feel that you cannot find it again?
Audrey from Melbourne, Australia:
I have been a member of the Circle of Twelve since the beginning. I have a condition that I have sought healing but all these months, it would seem that nothing has changed. I am nearly eighty years old and my condition could very well be related to old age. Besides, I could be at the end of my life span. Would this be a valid reason for not getting any results?
Change Part 2 –
The Past is Not Your Future
Kryon gives a series of four messages on change. Have you noticed that history tends to repeat itself? You get through one war and then have another. Kryon mentions the scientist Gregg Braden and his research on cycles. Kryon gives a metaphor where the energy on the planet has been at the vibration called “X” for eons and the cycles continue to repeat. Suddenly a new energy is here called “X+1” and it means the energy is starting to evolve. You are no longer in an energy where cycles repeat. Kryon then gives another metaphor of a train on a track that goes in a circle and history repeats for hundreds of years. Suddenly there is another track that goes to another circle that is at a higher level where there is no history. The past is not your future. Many don’t believe anything will change. What do you when others discuss things will return to how it was? If you’re asked you can say that you think there is more hope than in the past. You don’t make them wrong. You simply show light. There is a new energy here.
This time Kryon says that you don’t recognize anyone in the audience. Those seated in the audience includes everyone that is participating in this Circle of Twelve Meditation, both now and in the future. Kryon asks you to think of 10,000 people and beyond. Those who will participate now and later. What can 10,000 Old Souls do together in coherence? You don’t have to have a specific independent focused intent for the planet. Just gathering together in this way is light for the planet. But this time Kryon asks us all to focus our intent and visualization of our planet being in complete peace where anger is not normal, greed is uncommon, and kindness and compassion are the first thoughts to humanity. Healing is starting to occur. Change is upon you. See the lack of fear. Making this affirmation for the planet is a compassionate action for you.
Dr. Kim D’Eramo
Founder of the America Institute of Mind-Body Medicine
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Samuel from Canada:
I identify myself as a perfectionist. My need for perfectionism is getting in the way of my healing. How can I move forward?
Cindy from California:
This past week I was late getting to the Circle of Twelve. I decided to wait and access it later. Suddenly I felt as though I was in the Circle of Twelve energetically. I looked at the clock and thought, “Oh, this is the time for the Circle of Twelve normally.” I seemed to be automatically included.
Was I?
Bonnie from Farmington, New Hampshire, USA:
A couple of months ago, when we would go through the mist, I immediately would start flying. Now I fly through the portal to the stage. Is there some kind of significance in this?
Change Part 3 –
Human Nature is Evolving
Kryon gives a series of four messages on change. COVID is a reboot for the planet. Everything that has happened that you consider unusual is part of this change. The first change given by Kryon was that the changes we are seeing were foretold by the indigenous and seen within scripture. The second change was that the past does not determine the future. This third change is the evolvement of Human nature. There are many facets of Human nature but it’s all about how a Human acts in any situation that is considered to be a normal way to react or expected behavior. Suddenly Human nature is changing and Kryon gives an example where one man begins to argue and the other does not react. The other sees the behavior and is sorry their friend is having a bad day. There is no reaction. Is that Human nature? You will say, “No. That’s mastery.” What if it’s the beginning of a new Human nature? You might call that an evolvement in Human interaction. Kryon discusses businesses and how there may come a time where the consciousness of business is benevolent. They compete for sales by getting together to show what they have to allow the consumer to choose. Kryon says that future elections would have candidates tell everyone how good their opposition is. These are the things to look forward to because Human nature is evolving
Kryon introduces you to the audience as the lights come up and you can start to see them. Have you ever seen those in robes who are shamanic or monks from history that you feel are magic and are healers? They are there and they are going to develop a tone for you. They have been expecting you. The ancients are present and are right in front of you. Their specialty is healing and talking to Innate. Do you give permission to have the healing you came for? There is a tone that goes through the audience that comes in waves to you. With the assistance of the shamanic healers of the world you receive as long as you want.
Mary Ann Robbat
Founder of Center for Lifelong Happiness
Spiritual and Energy Healer
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Tunudja from Melbourne, Australia:
The washing of feet is a Christian doctrine from the bible. It’s very old thinking, very hierarchical, old religion. Can Kryon please use a different metaphor to explain my worthiness other than the theater audience debasing themselves for me? Perhaps we can just hug as equally magnificent beings?
Darrell from Canada:
Going into the Circle of Twelve I have had many revelations, but sometimes the biggest revelations I get I cannot remember them a few hours after. With work I’m able to remember them. Is this a memory/mind failure or an internal spiritual struggle? Or, is it something else?
Jeffery from Michigan, USA:
Kryon teaches “skipping over karma” as key to the teachings. Is crossing the bridge (in the Circle of Twelve Mediation) skipping over karma?
Change Part 4 –
Coming Discoveries
Kryon gives a series of four messages on change. The changes are mostly happening with consciousness. You are in a time of expected change. There are great things coming that will surprise you. These things are either here now, being developed, or they lay on humanity waiting for the aha experience. Kryon reveals that the coming discoveries are the magnetic wheel and the understanding that consciousness influences biology. Regarding the magnetic wheel Kryon tells us there is a pattern where you can put the push/pull energy of magnets together so that they will spin forever. The implications of this is for every building and device on the planet to have power without taking resources from the Earth or having a grid that may fail in bad weather. Kryon then talks about consciousness being energy and understanding this will help explain the reason for the placebo effect. The energy and physics of consciousness combined with mirror neurons is part of a system of healing the body that is coming. Changes are coming to this planet that will enhance humanity.
There is no theater portal today. There is another portal today filled with the Circle of Twelve energy. This circle of entities that you are going to meet are special for you. Above the door to this portal is a sign that says Hall of Magnificence and your name. It’s not a name you know as it’s your spiritual name that is sung in light. You walk into the Hall of Magnificence and it is huge and filled with enormous statues. This room belongs to you and only you can enter. No one goes here. Even you don’t go here unless something has happened in the energy of your expression that allows it. The statues start to be lit and each one is a Human Being. Every single statue is you in a past life and arranged in historical order. Etched in the base is your name and years alive. For some there are fifty statues and for others the room is enormous. The statues show a structure where many statues are female and then male and then female, etc. You stay one gender for many lifetimes so you’re comfortable with it. Kryon asks the statues that carry inappropriate energies for today to be illuminated. You are going to walk to each of those statues and make a statement of truth. “I hereby disassociate myself from any inappropriate dark energy of that lifetime.”
Steve Nobel
Author, Teacher, Founder of Soul Matrix Healing
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Anna from Berlin, Germany:
Kryon mentioned you have to live with one foot in the physical realm and the other in the beyond the veil, beyond the mist realm. But, in this way you are still separated. How can you truly combine both realms here instead of switching between them?
Carol from Israel:
How can a person deal with a situation happening around him such as rioting, unrest, and shooting missals between countries without getting involved emotionally? This is happening around me now in my country of Israel. I can’t ignore it such as turning off the tv.
Attributes of the Soul Part 1 –
The Bigger You
Kryon gives a series of four channels on the Extraordinary Attributes of the Soul. Kryon talks about how big you are. There is a purpose for your Soul, a purpose for the veil, and a purpose for your free choice. Your Soul is immense. Your body is in your skin but your consciousness and the multidimensional pieces and parts of your DNA is immense. Kryon talks about identical twins and how their consciousness is aligned. They are entangled with each other. You are as big as God and have the ability to drop into your Soul and have the most benevolent wave of love come over you. There is hope and solution for this planet. Light is starting to amplify itself and in the process it’s disturbing the dark a lot. The darkness wants to rise up and tell you it won’t go away. Light is winning. Hold fast and know who you are.
Kryon asks if you have ever wondered what it would be like to talk to God directly? Have you ever wanted that? The entire universe has always remained in your cells. In the audience is all that is and it’s no longer a theater it’s a stadium of the universe. You are part of the Creative Source. What do you want to say? Kryon gives a hint, “Dear Creation, thank you, for loving me enough to put me right here, right now, where I can do anything that’s possible. Where disease cannot exist with this kind of purity of love. Where troubles don’t exist where I am. Where nothing inappropriate can be around me.” Think about direct communication with the cosmos, your cells and everything that is. This is your legacy to unite with the cosmos and evolve into light.
Lee Harris
Energy Intuitive and Trans-formational Teacher
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Betsy from Salt Lake City, Utah, USA:
I am tired of waiting for the big shift. How much longer? We the people of Earth need it soon!
Wendy from California, USA:
I have been enjoying participating in the Circle of 12 experiences since the opportunity first began. I recently had an amazing healing experience happen in the ER during a CT scan which was being done to rule out possible causes for a serious, month-long headache following a Covid-19 vaccine. At the end of the CT scan I could feel an energy shift and my headache pain was significantly reduced. Other things occurred including a visit from an angel. Can this incredible healing experience be the result of having visited the Circle of 12 many times?
Ruta from Oslow, Norway:
Can you talk to another person’s cells or Innate?
Attributes of the Soul Part 2 –
Soul Family
Kryon gives a series of four channels on the Extraordinary Attributes of the Soul. Last week the channel was about the immensity of your Soul. This channel is about the most difficult and complex attribute of your Soul. It’s about Soul Family. Kryon refers to Soul splitting and how pieces of your Soul stay with your loved ones on the planet. The term Soul splitting was reframed as Soul sharing. Kryon says the truth for that term is even grander than you think. How does Soul sharing work? You are never alone because you share your Soul with others and they share themselves with you. Kryon gives a linear example where your Soul is in a bowl of water and another person has their Soul in a bowl of water. You decide to scoop some of your water to their bowl and vice versa. Are you able to identify who’s water belongs to who? Or is it simply water? The answer is that the water of your Soul happens to contain some of the water of your loved one’s Soul as well. That Soul of yours is filled with loving entities of the past. This drives the Akashic family. It is a system of grandness. You are magnificent and your Soul echoes all of that.
The channel given earlier was about reframing Soul Sharing. If your Akash is filled with those you’ve loved and lost; and their Akash is also filled with those they have loved and lost it is a true Soul Family that you’ve known through the years of all of your lifetimes. Kryon asks you to sit in the chair and acknowledge that in your Soul is the love energy of all the other Souls is there. This is how Soul Sharing works with those you’ve loved. It also involves the future those loved ones yet to come and they are all sitting in the audience. Kryon asks you to feel the love from this Akashic family as they are in your Soul forever. It’s called Soul Family.
Brothers Guy and Ilan Ferdman
Personal Development Coaches and Founders of Satori Prime
Lee and Monika answer questions:
Two similar questions
Yael from Israel:
About dark magic, does it exist and does it work?
Marie from Massachusetts, USA:
I don’t believe in the devil, however, some mediums talk about demons and evil intentioned elementals occupying certain locations. Can you please explain what these entities are and where do they come from?
Robert from Montreal, Canada:
What do you mean when you said that we can choose God or not ?
Michele from Tu